
Research Programs: Summer Stipends

Period of Performance

6/1/2005 - 8/31/2005

Funding Totals

$5,000.00 (approved)
$5,000.00 (awarded)

Perón and Argentine Cinema, 1943-1955

FAIN: FT-53223-05

Currie Kerr Thompson
Gettysburg College (Gettysburg, PA 17325-1483)

My project will examine Argentine cinema between 1943, when a coup brought Perón to power, and 1955, when he was removed from office. It will study cases of censorship and of blacklistings, identifying the political and personal motives behind them, and will evaluate the impact of labor legislation on filmmaking. It will also trace new aesthetic trends in films, such as a growing interest in psychological cinema and an emulation of neorealism, and will identify methods directors used to circumvent government resistance to these trends. Finally, it will analyze, in the context of Perón’s government’s policies, the transformation of the ways movies portray labor, education, poverty, wealth, and various social groups, including women and blacks.

Associated Products

Modern Argentine Masculinities (The Military, Movies and Masculinity: Su mejor alumno and Pampa barbara) (Book)
Title: Modern Argentine Masculinities (The Military, Movies and Masculinity: Su mejor alumno and Pampa barbara)
Author: Currie Kerr Thompson
Editor: Carolina Rocha
Abstract: The essays in this volume offer a survey of modern Argentine masculinities and their relation to national identity. In the first chapter, 'Imagining Male Subjects: Representing Argentine Masculinities in Nineteenth-Century Poetry Anthologies,' Marcos Campillo Fenoll examines anthologies of Argentine Poetry produced for white, male, urban Argentines starting in the second decade of the nineteenth century and analyzes the different ways in which editors of these anthologies portrayed hegemonic masculinities at different stages of the national-building process.
Year: 2013
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Type: Multi-author monograph
ISBN: 9781783200153
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From the Margins to the Margins: the Representation of Blacks in Classic Argentine Cinema (Book Section)
Title: From the Margins to the Margins: the Representation of Blacks in Classic Argentine Cinema
Author: Currie Kerr Thompson
Editor: J.P. Telotte
Editor: Gerald Duchovnay
Abstract: To date, scholarship on the role of Afro-Argentines in their nation's culture has given little attention to cinema. Jorge Fortes and Diego Ceballos's movie documentary Afroargentinos (Afro-Argentines, 2002) includes three clips from earlier Argentine films showing blacks. Alejandro Solomianski's Identidades secretas: la negritud argentina dedicates eight pages of his 277 page text to discussing the representation of blacks in Leopoldo Torre Nilson's El santo de la espada (The Saint with the Sword, 1969) and Maria Luisa Bemberg's Camila (1984) and to identifying the central role of mulatto filmmaker Jose' Agustin Ferreyra in the development of Argentine Cinema (259-262, 231-234).
Year: 2010
Primary URL:
Publisher: Post Script, Inc.
Book Title: Post Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities, Volume 29, Number 1

Picturing Argentina: Myths, Movies, and the Peronist Vision (Book)
Title: Picturing Argentina: Myths, Movies, and the Peronist Vision
Author: Currie Kerr Thompson
Abstract: *Includes images from various films. No individual has had greater impact on Argentine history than Juan Domingo Perón. The years 1943–1945, when he was an influential member in his nation’s governing junta, and 1946–1955, when he was its president, were tumultuous ones that transformed Argentina. Perón was a highly controversial figure, and his memory continues to provoke intense and often acrimonious debate. Moreover, the nature of his legacy resists neat classification. Many of his achievements were positive. He oversaw the passage of progressive social legislation, including women’s suffrage and prison reform, and he implemented programs that aided the nation’s poor and working classes. On the other hand, he tolerated no opposition and, as president, incarcerated even former supporters who questioned his actions, and he ordered the closure of newspapers that he judged inappropriately critical.
Year: 2014
Publisher: Cambria Press
Type: Single author monograph
ISBN: 9781604978797
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