The U.S. Army in the Pacific/Asia Theater in World War II
FAIN: FZ-231033-15
John Coyne McManus
Missouri University of Science and Technology (Rolla, MO 65409-0001)
A two-volume study of the military, political, and social dimensions of the American army's operations in the Pacific theater.
The United States Army did the majority of the fighting and dying in the Pacific War. Nearly 40 percent of Army soldiers who served overseas during World War II fought in the Pacific. From the first moments of the Pearl Harbor attack through the bitter final days of the battle for Okinawa, the Army fought most of the bloody campaigns that decided the outcome of the war. The Pacific/Asia War, though overshadowed in the public mind by the war in Europe, was actually a harbinger for the American future. Every major American conflict thereafter has taken place in the Pacific-Asian rim, (including two recent wars in southwest Asia), heedless of the niceties of the Geneva convention, against enemies with profound cultural differences. I am writing a two volume series on the history of the Army in the Asia/Pacific theater. NAL/Penguin, the leading publisher of scholarly World War II books for a wide audience, will publish the series in 2018 and 2020.