Becoming Arizona: A Cyberpedia Project
FAIN: GE-50067-08
Arizona State University (Tempe, AZ 85281-3670)
Noel Stowe (Project Director: January 2008 to December 2008)
Nancy L. Dallett (Project Director: December 2008 to August 2012)
Planning for an online encyclopedia of Arizona history and culture.
The Arizona State University History Department?s Public History and Scholarly Publishing Programs request funds to plan Becoming Arizona, a collaborative and authoritative web-based information center and cyberpedia of Arizona?s history, culture, and environment to address its dynamic process of historical and cultural change. Becoming Arizona will provide: 1) a reference source or cyberpedia that is authoritative, accessible, and dynamic; 2) a collaborative digital environment bridging the gap between the academy and the general public and facilitating an ongoing dialogue about what Arizona has become and what it is becoming; and 3) a semantically indexed Web portal connecting users to valuable digitized content, pertaining to Arizona and the West and allowing them to discover new relationships and themes within that content.