
Digital Humanities: Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants

Period of Performance

9/1/2008 - 12/31/2009

Funding Totals

$24,912.00 (approved)
$24,042.31 (awarded)

Looking for Whitman: the Poetry of Place in the Life and Work of Walt Whitman

FAIN: HD-50537-08

CUNY Research Foundation, NYC College of Technology (Brooklyn, NY 11201-1909)
Matthew K. Gold (Project Director: April 2008 to April 2014)

Development of a series of courses at four partner institutions that would engage students in online investigations of Walt Whitman's work in geographical context

This Level 1 Digital Humanities project, " Looking for Whitman: The Poetry of Place in the Life and Work of Walt Whitman," will engage faculty and students at four academic institutions--New York City College of Technology; New York University; University of Mary Washington; and Rutgers University, Camden--in a concurrent, connected, semester-long inquiry into the relationship of Whitman's poetry to local geography and history. Each class will explore the interrelationship between a specific locale and a particular phase of the poet's work. Utilizing open-source tools to connect classrooms, the interdisciplinary project will create a collaborative, online space in which students can participate in a dynamic, social, web based learning environment. In its conception and articulation, this project reflects the central themes of Whitman's work: democracy, diversity, and connectedness.

Media Coverage

“Whitman Takes Manhattan” (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Jennifer Howard
Publication: Wired Campus/The
Date: 4/8/2009
Abstract: General reportage on the project soon after the grant was announced.

Walt Whitman Goes 2.0 (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Harris, Chandler
Publication: Converge
Date: 3/1/2009
Abstract: In-depth look at the project. I can provide a PDF copy of the article if desired (the magazine did a nice job on production)

Teaching Online in 'Real Time' (Media Coverage)
Publication: CUNY Matters
Date: 5/1/2009
Abstract: A piece on online teaching at CUNY that discusses the "Looking for Whitman" project.

Associated Products

"Looking for Whitman: A Grand, Aggregated Experiment" (Book Section)
Title: "Looking for Whitman: A Grand, Aggregated Experiment"
Author: Matthew K. Gold
Author: Jim Groom
Editor: Matthew K. Gold
Abstract: The "Looking for Whitman" project served as an opportunity to illustrate how loosely networked learning spaces could be used to re-imagine the possibilities for connection among students and faculty working on related projects at a disparate range of institutions. As a case study for linked courses across universities, it framed the importance of an open and porous learning ecosystem that used network effects to aggregate and amplify student work, building a larger, focused conversation around the relationship of particular literary texts to particular geographical spaces.
Year: 2012
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: UMN Press website
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Worldcat entry.
Publisher: University of Minnesota Press
Book Title: Debates in the Digital Humanities
ISBN: 978-0816677955