Enhancing and Sustaining www.slavevoyages.org
FAIN: HK-230986-15
Emory University (Atlanta, GA 30322-1018)
David Eltis (Project Director: February 2015 to May 2019)
Allen E. Tullos (Co Project Director: July 2015 to May 2019)
The enhancement of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database (also known as slavevoyages.org) to add additional records about the intra-American movement of enslaved persons and to recode the underlying database to allow for long term sustainability.
Slavevoyages has become the basic reference tool for anyone studying the transatlantic slave trade, and is used widely by teachers, genealogists, and scientists as well as scholars of slavery and the slave trade. The site is nevertheless facing an uncertain future, possibly extinction, as the code in which it was written is made obsolete by evolving server operating systems.
Media Coverage
A digital archive of slave voyages details the largest forced migration in history (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Philip Misevich, Daniel Domingues, David Eltis, Nicholas Radburn, Nafees M. Khan
Publication: The Conversation
Date: 4/30/2017
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Between 1500 and 1866, slave traders forced 12.5 million Africans aboard transatlantic slave vessels. Before 1820, four enslaved Africans crossed the Atlantic for every European, making Africa the demographic wellspring for the repopulation of the Americas after Columbus’ voyages. The slave trade pulled virtually every port that faced the Atlantic Ocean – from Copenhagen to Cape Town and Boston to Buenos Aires – into its orbit.
To document this enormous trade – the largest forced oceanic migration in human history – our team launched Voyages: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, a freely available online resource that lets visitors search through and analyze information on nearly 36,000 slave voyages that occurred between 1514 and 1866.
URL: https://theconversation.com/a-digital-archive-of-slave-voyages-details-the-largest-forced-migration-in-history-74902
Documenting Slave Voyages (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Kimber Williams
Publication: Emory News
Date: 6/1/2019
Abstract: Led by Emory, a massive digital memorial shines new light on one of the most harrowing chapters of human history
URL: https://news.emory.edu/features/2019/06/slave-voyages/
Associated Products
Slave Voyages (Web Resource)Title: Slave Voyages
Author: David Eltis
Author: Allen E. Tullos
Abstract: The Trans-Atlantic and Intra-American slave trade databases are the culmination of several decades of independent and collaborative research by scholars drawing upon data in libraries and archives around the Atlantic world. The new Voyages website itself is the product of three years of development by a multi-disciplinary team of historians, librarians, curriculum specialists, cartographers, computer programmers, and web designers, in consultation with scholars of the slave trade from universities in Europe, Africa, South America, and North America. The National Endowment for the Humanities was the principal sponsor of this work carried out at Emory Center for Digital Scholarship, the University of California at Irvine, and the University of California at Santa Cruz. The Hutchins Center of Harvard University has also provided support.
Year: 2013
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