Institute on Digital Archaeology Method & Practice
FAIN: HT-50088-14
Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI 48824-3407)
Ethan C. Watrall (Project Director: March 2014 to present)
Lynne Goldstein (Co Project Director: July 2014 to present)
A twelve-day institute to be held over two summers, hosted by Michigan State University, for 20 participants to explore advanced theory and application of computational approaches and new media for archaeology.
The Institute on Digital Archaeology Method & Practice will be hosted jointly by MATRIX: The Center for the Humane Arts, Letters, and Social Sciences and the Department of Anthropology. The institute will bring together 20 participants to the campus of Michigan State University for two 6-day sessions in 2015 and 2016. In order to fulfill the institute's goals, attendance will be open to public sector archaeologists, private sector archaeologists, students, scholarly archaeologists from both the anthropological and humanist communities, and scholars from fields closely aligned with archaeology. Talks and workshops will be delivered by a wide variety of internationally regarded experts from the world of classics and ancient history, archaeology, the digital humanities, museums, and neogeography. The institute is organized along several themes: Field Methods, Data & Linked Data, Geospatial, Scholarly Publication & Communication, and Public Outreach & Engagement.
Associated Products
Institute on Digital Archaeology Method & Practice (Web Resource)Title: Institute on Digital Archaeology Method & Practice
Author: Ethan C. Watrall
Author: Lynne Goldstein
Abstract: Project website for the Institute on Digital Archaeology Method & Practice. Taking place on the campus of Michigan State University in 2015 (August 17-22) & 2016 (August 15-20), the institute will provide invited participants with hands-on training in key digital archaeological methods. The institute will also challenge invited attendees to envision, build, and launch a significant digital archaeological project by the end of the institute.
Year: 2014
Primary URL: Archaeology Commons (Web Resource)Title: Digital Archaeology Commons
Author: Ethan C. Watrall
Author: Lynne C. Goldstein
Abstract: The Digital Archaeology Commons is dedicated to supporting work and community building around digital methods and practice in archaeology and closely related fields. The Commons grew out of the NEH funded Institute for Digital Archaeology Method and Practice organized by Michigan State University's Department of Anthropology and MATRIX: The Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences
Year: 2015
Primary URL: