Preservation Assessment of the New Hampshire Aviation Historical Society's Humanities Collection
FAIN: PA-51657-06
New Hampshire Aviation Historical Society (Manchester, NH 03103)
Barbara Diane Miles (Project Director: May 2005 to December 2007)
A preservation assessment of artifacts, art, and archives related to the history of aviation in New Hampshire.
The proposed Preservation Assistance Grant, will enable the New Hampshire Aviation Historical Society [NHAHS] to engage the services of Betsy Hamlin-Morin, a professional Archivist, to conduct an initial preservation assessment of the archival collection. This assessment will be conducted in three phases: To Identify and prioritize preservation needs of NHAHS archive/museum facility and collections using the guidelines of the New England Document Conservation Center [NEDCC] self survey. To recommend professionally accepted best preservation practices through which original materials will be safeguarded for use in educational programs, research and exhibits. To establish a long-range schedule and budget for ongoing preservation.