Purchase Storage Furniture and Supplies for Knott House Collections Storage
FAIN: PA-51825-06
Florida Department of State (Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001)
Beatrice W. Cotellis (Project Director: May 2005 to September 2007)
The purchase of storage supplies and shelving to rehouse the historic house museum's collections of furnishings, historical objects, and personal artifacts related to the Knott family, who were active in Tallahassee history during the first half of the 20th century.
Media Coverage
House restoration continues (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Malika Harrison
Publication: Tallahassee Democrat
Date: 7/29/2006
Abstract: Knott House is wrapping up a project restoring the windows, doors and shutters. This was funded by a State of Florida Historic Preservation grant. An upcoming project, supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, will repair the interior storage areas, improve the organzation of the collection, and make information more accessible. Both projects were also supported by the Friends of the Museums of Florida History.
URL: http://www.tallahassee.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060729/NEWS01/607290325&SEARCHID=73252344416446
NEH Conservation Project Completed at Knott House Museum (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Kurt Browning, Florida Secretary of State
Publication: Florida Department of State Website
Date: 8/3/2007
Abstract: Kurt Browning announces that the Knott House received a $5000 grant from NEH to improve storage and preservation of the collection. Artifacts were moved off site, plaster was repaired and painted, storage furniture was purchased and installed. Project was completed giving more access. Secretary Browning said that it is important to protect the state's historic properties and appreciated assistance from NEH. The project was a collaboration between NEH, Florida Department of State, and the Friends of the Museums of Florida History.
URL: http://oss.dos.state.fl.us/communications/press-releases/2007-08-03.cfm
Division News, page 8 (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Wanda Richey, Information Specialist
Date: 8/1/2007
Abstract: The Knott HOuse recently received a $5000 grant from NEH to improve the storage and preservation of collections. The project has been completed. The site reopened for tours on September 1, 2007.
URL: http://dosintraweb/das/newsletter/0708.pdf
The Dust is Clearing (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Beatrice Cotellis
Publication: Historically Speaking, Vol. 4, No.3
Date: 7/1/2006
Abstract: Knott House is wrapping up a project restoring the windows, doors and shutters. This was funded by a State of Florida Historic Preservation grant. An upcoming project, supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, will repair the interior storage areas, improve the organzation of the collection, and make information more accessible. Both projects were also supported by the Friends of the Museums of Florida History.
Associated Products
Knott House Collection (Acquisitions/Materials Collection)Name: Knott House Collection
Abstract: The Knott House Museum (KHM) is a 164 year old home with the belongings of W.V. and Luella Knott, who moved into the house in 1928. Historical themes include the Great Depression, 20th century political history, women’s movements, and art in the 1930s. Materials were purchased, artifacts packed and moved to off-site storage; storage furniture was purchased, assembled and installed; artifacts were returned, stored, and location listed on the inventory. The new shelving increased the linear feet of storage from 202 to 505. The increased capacity made it possible to properly shelve and care for artifacts. Wooden platforms were replaced with properly-coated adjustable metal shelving. This eliminated the harmful vapors from wood as well as the acid migration, so harmful to textiles and paper. Crowding was eliminated and artifacts were removed from boxes so they are accessible. Archival materials were placed in filing cabinets and books shelved. The ability to use and study the collection has improved. Location codes on each shelf make it possible to find any artifact. Labor for inventories before and after the move was provided by two graduate interns, Steffany Hagler and Allison Eaton. After the project, Ms. Hagler was hired as a curator at the Museum of Florida History and Ms Eaton was hired by the National Archives. The NEH project at KHM provided experience that was vital to the students’ career goals.
Director: Beatrice Cotellis
Director: Lisa Barton
Year: 2007
Address: Knott House Museum
301 East Park Avenue
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Primary URL:
http://www.museumoffloridahistory.com/about/sites/Primary URL Description: Website for the Knott House Museum & Museum of Florida History