
Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and Translations

Period of Performance

10/1/2015 - 9/30/2017

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$468,000.00 (approved)
$443,000.00 (awarded)

The Papers of George Washington

FAIN: RQ-230544-15

University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA 22903-4833)
Edward George Lengel (Project Director: December 2014 to September 2016)
William M. Ferraro (Project Director: September 2016 to December 2019)

Preparation for publication of volumes 20 and 21 of the Presidential series and volumes 25-30 of the Revolutionary War series of the papers of George Washington (1732-1799), Revolutionary War general and first president of the United States, and continued work on a digital edition of Washington's financial papers. (24 months)

The Papers of George Washington is a historical documentary editing project that is engaged in publishing a modern comprehensive edition of George Washington's public and private papers. The project has, to date, published sixty-eight of a projected eighty-seven volumes and issues two new volumes, on average, each year. The project also has a Digital Edition and a digital-only Financial Papers project. The project's scholarly value and sustained productivity won it the National Humanities Medal in 2005. This request is for a two-year grant, covering our publication and other work on ten new letterpress volumes.

Associated Products

The Papers of George Washington, Revolutionary War Series: Volume 24, 1 January-9 March 1780 (Book)
Title: The Papers of George Washington, Revolutionary War Series: Volume 24, 1 January-9 March 1780
Author: George Washington
Editor: Mary K. Wigge, Research Editor
Editor: Edward G. Lengel, Director
Editor: David R. Hoth, Senior Editor
Editor: Jennifer E. Stertzer, Senior Editor
Editor: William M. Ferraro, Associate Editor
Editor: Thomas E. Dulan, Assistant Editor
Editor: Carol S. Ebel, Assistant Editor
Editor: Benjamin L. Huggins, Volume Editor and Assistant Editor
Editor: Neal E. Millikan, Assistant Editor
Editor: Adrina M. Garbooshian, Research Editor
Abstract: With volume 24 of the Revolutionary War Series, the conflict enters a new decade. New Year's Day 1780 finds Washington in winter quarters at Morristown, N.J., having established his headquarters at the Ford mansion there one month earlier. During the weeks covered by this volume, the Continental army experienced the harshest winter of the war. But the severity of the winter did not prevent Washington from mounting an unsuccessful offensive against British forces on Staten Island. Washington's enemy carried out raids on New Jersey towns and attacks on outlying detachments, and a failed attempt to seize Washington at the Ford mansion and carry him into New York City as a prisoner. It was the deep snow--and not American bullets--that stopped the cavalry force sent to capture Washington. The enemy, however, was not the greatest threat to the survival of Washington's army. The harsh winter, the precarious Continental finances, and the resulting lack of provisions threatened his forces with starvation. To feed his troops, he implemented an emergency "requisition" of provisions throughout New Jersey. Administration of the army consumed much of Washington's time. He obtained supplies, oversaw army recruitment, obtained clothing for his men, negotiated prisoner exchanges, conducted inspections, and attended to the professionalism and discipline of the army. His burden was so heavy that in February he felt it "impossible" to stay commander in chief unless he received more support from his senior officers. Letters to or from well-known Revolutionary figures appear in this volume, including Benedict Arnold, Benjamin Franklin, and Robert Morris. In Washington's letter to Morris, the commander in chief expressed his inclination to accept Morris's invitation to spend some of the winter with him, but he lamented that "public duty" necessitated remaining with the army at Morristown. He would, he explained to Morris, have to forgo such "social enjoyments" until the end of the war.
Year: 2016
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat listing
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Publisher's listing
Access Model: Book
Publisher: Charlottesville and London: Virginia University Press
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 9780813937823
Copy sent to NEH?: Yes

The Papers of George Washington, Revolutionary War Series: Volume 25, 10 March - 12 May 1780 (Book)
Title: The Papers of George Washington, Revolutionary War Series: Volume 25, 10 March - 12 May 1780
Author: George Washington
Abstract: The Revolutionary War Series (1775–1783) presents the many military and political matters with which Washington dealt during the long war for American independence.
Year: 2017
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat listing
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Publisher's listing
Access Model: Book
Publisher: Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia Press
Type: Scholarly Edition
ISBN: 9780813939803
Copy sent to NEH?: Yes