
Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and Translations

Period of Performance

10/1/2012 - 9/30/2014

Funding Totals

$175,000.00 (approved)
$174,992.70 (awarded)

Emma Goldman Papers Project

FAIN: RQ-50668-12

University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley, CA 94704-5940)
Leon F. Litwack (Project Director: December 2011 to January 2015)

The preparation for publication of the last of four volumes of the papers of Emma Goldman (1869-1940), American writer and activist. (24 months)

Emma Goldman: A Documentary History of the American Years 1890-1919, the first fully annotated documentary edition, traces the intellectual evolution of a dedicated advocate of liberty, and challenges her controversial legacy in light of information she deliberately concealed. We seek funds to assure the publication of Volume 4: The War Years 1917-1919, the final volume of the series. It encompasses Goldman's pre-WWI anti-conscription activities, resulting trial, 18-month imprisonment, and deportation to Russia. Thought-provoking analytical introductions, chronologies, and biographical, periodical, and organizational indices make it a stand-alone resource. Scholarly annotations build upon the Project's research, access to unpublished material, and familiarity with obscure historical references, difficult political tracts, legal transcripts and government documents, while preserving the gripping narrative of her life and times.

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Emma Goldman Papers Project (Web Resource)
Title: Emma Goldman Papers Project
Author: Leon Litwack
Abstract: The Emma Goldman Papers Project (EGP), supported in part by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), intermittently by the National Endowment for the Humanities, and consistently by private donors and small foundations, was initiated at UC Berkeley in 1980. Among the most enduring collaborative humanities projects on campus, the EGP's publications represent the collective effort of hundreds of students and scholars across disciplines and across the world. The Project was charged with collecting, documenting, and making accessible the papers of Emma
Year: 2012
Primary URL: