
Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and Translations

Period of Performance

10/1/2013 - 9/30/2017

Funding Totals

$200,000.00 (approved)
$200,000.00 (awarded)

An Archive of Early Middle English

FAIN: RQ-50774-13

Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, NY 12604-0001)
Dorothy Kim (Project Director: December 2012 to December 2019)
Scott Kleinman (Co Project Director: December 2012 to December 2019)

Preparation for electronic publication of two Early Middle English manuscripts (c. 1100 - 1350) and the beginning of work on an electronic edition of a third manuscript. (36 months)

We seek NEH support to create an Archive of Early Middle English (AEME). First, we will produce electronic editions of 3 key Early Middle English manuscripts containing transcriptions of the texts with encoded information on names, places, intertextual features, and philological, paleographical and material features. The editions will be searchable and easily adaptable to varied forms of digital analysis. Digital editing permits a more dynamic edition than print; it can be interactive, serve multiple audiences, be extended by other scholars, and facilitate many types of analysis, visualization, and comparison. AEME will significantly widen access to Early Middle English texts and manuscripts for a range of people who, due to geography, finances, or lack of training, face insufficient access. AEME will open new windows on Early Middle English, enable re-assessment of its place in literary history and produce new opportunities for drawing it into larger conversations in the humanities.

Associated Products

An Archive of Early Middle English (Web Resource)
Title: An Archive of Early Middle English
Author: Scott Kleinman
Abstract: Prototype website for the Archive of Early Middle English.
Year: 2018
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: This is a demonstration of the digital edition platform for the Archive of Early Middle English, an alpha version used for development purposes