
Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and Translations

Period of Performance

10/1/2014 - 7/31/2018

Funding Totals

$275,000.00 (approved)
$173,686.94 (awarded)

The Petrarchive Project: An Online Edition of 366 Poems by Petrarch

FAIN: RQ-50880-14

Trustees of Indiana University (Bloomington, IN 47405-7000)
H. Wayne Storey (Project Director: January 2014 to September 2021)
John Anthony Walsh (Co Project Director: January 2014 to September 2021)

Preparation for publication of a digital edition of Francesco Petrarca's Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, a collection of 366 poems in Italian dating from the medieval era; the edition would include manuscript facsimiles, commentary, and full apparatus in English and Italian. (36 months)

The Storey-Walsh Petrarchive Project is an open source initiative designed for students, scholars, teachers, and translators to utilize the enhanced multi-layer texts, multiple commentaries, and search resources of what we call a "rich-text" edition of Petrarch’s influential magnum opus that will be a fundamental tool for the work’s interpretation and translation. The edition documents and represents the visual characteristics of the source documents in encoded documents and offers the multiple strata of the textual genesis of Petrarch’s complex vernacular poetic icon, the Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, in a single interface. The team will develop a TEI-based digital edition with facsimile page images augmented by visualizations and tools to provide users new and more authentic ways to read and examine Petrarch’s work in its unique medieval form and to utilize multiple configurations of his reordering of the collection over time.

Media Coverage

Petrarchive: il vero Petrarca si scopre in digitale (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Iuri Moscardi
Publication: La Stampa
Date: 3/16/2017
Abstract: An overview of the edition and features of the "rich-text edition" in the Project. The article also discusses the history of H W Storey's edition from the 1990s until today, and the future goals of the project and website.

Associated Products

Petrarchive "Rich-Text" Edition of the Rerum vulgarium fragmenta (Database/Archive/Digital Edition)
Title: Petrarchive "Rich-Text" Edition of the Rerum vulgarium fragmenta
Author: John A. Walsh
Author: H. Wayne Storey,
Abstract: Continually updated, the Petrarchive rich-text edition offers both a diplomatic transcription of Petrarch's supervised and partially holograph copy of his masterpiece in vernacular Italian, the Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, in MS Vatican Library Latino 3195, and an edited version of the poems, including palimpsests and works added in significant manuscripts in the early tradition. This ongoing project includes an expanding glossary of terms, numerous indices and other critical features that address principally the poet's visual poetics.
Year: 2014
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Entry into the edition through the introduction to the project
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Access to the edition through the multiple indices
Access Model: Open access

Tra edizione e archivio. La tecnologia al servizio della filologia (Article)
Title: Tra edizione e archivio. La tecnologia al servizio della filologia
Author: H. Wayne Storey
Abstract: This essay examines the complex relationships between the digital (especially TEI and mark-up languages) and the practice of philology, especially material philology. Taking as its model the ongoing rich-text edition of Petrarch's Rerum vulgarium fragmenta in the Project, Storey discusses especially the issues of: overdetermination in mark-up strategies, the treatment of the uses of space in medieval manuscripts and in Petrarch's VL3195, and the representation of authorial variants and palimpsests (
Year: 2014
Primary URL: http://
Primary URL Description: Downloadable PDF
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: journal site
Access Model: open
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Ecdotica: Rivista di studi testuali
Publisher: Ecdotica: Rivista di studi testuali 11 (2014), 99–105

La politica e l’antigrafo del FRAGMENTORUM LIBER (Chigiano L V 176) (Article)
Title: La politica e l’antigrafo del FRAGMENTORUM LIBER (Chigiano L V 176)
Author: H. Wayne Storey
Abstract: This study examines the critical politics in Petrarchan studies and construction of Boccaccio's transcription (ca 1362) of the first extant form of Petrarch's Fragmenta, the Fragmentorum liber in MS Vatican Library Chigiano L V 176. Through a close study of the variants and emendations in Boccaccio's transcription and the "first project" copied probably by Giovanni Malpaghini (1367–1368), Storey establishes the probability of a common antegraph that was shared by Boccaccio and then emended by Petrarch for Malpaghini's supervised transcription.
Year: 2016
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: website of the journal of the American Boccaccio Association, through which one can access the journal's online issues, in this case: 12-13 (2015–2016), pp. 305–330.
Secondary URL: no secondary url
Access Model: open access
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Heliotropia
Publisher: Heliotropia

The Legacy of Petrarch's Chartae (Book Section)
Title: The Legacy of Petrarch's Chartae
Author: H. Wayne Storey
Editor: Ernesto Livorni and Jelena Todorovic
Abstract: This essay examines the new critical orientation of the charta (manuscript page) and its writing canvas of 31 transcriptional lines employed in both Petrarch's supervised copy of the Rerum vulgarium fragmenta (Vatican Library Latino 3195) and in the rich-text editions of the Project. Storey traces Petrarch's strategies in the distribution of text in all five of the work's poetic genres (sonnet, ballata, madrigal, sestina and canzone) in the Rvf. From this material basis, the author demonstrates the utility of studying the work from both the point of view of the manuscript page, the conjunct leaves of the bifolium, and the collective textuality of the gathering (or fascicle).
Year: 2017
Access Model: printed volume
Publisher: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies (Tempe, Arizona)
Book Title: The Legacies of Petrarch
ISBN: forthcoming

I codici paralleli dei Fragmenta (Article)
Title: I codici paralleli dei Fragmenta
Author: Isabella Magni
Abstract: This essay examines the strict correlation between literary-philological and digital codices that share numerous connections in their textual representations. The specific case of Francesco Petrarca's "Rerum vulgarium fragmenta" is here examined together with its complex early manuscript tradition requiring innovative encoding in the creation of a new digital code ("the Petrarchive Project"). The essay proposes to answer two basic questions: How do we represent digitally the 'code' of the hand-written manuscript? What are the strategies we can use to respond digitally to the intricate visual and prosodic structures of Petrarch's work?
Year: 2015
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: entry site for Medioevo letterario d'Italia (issue 12 [2015], pp. 83-96.
Access Model: subscription only
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Medioevo letterario d'Italia 12 (2015)
Publisher: Fabrizio Serra Editore

Digitally Born Petrarch: Making the Fragmenta (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Digitally Born Petrarch: Making the Fragmenta
Author: H. Wayne Storey
Abstract: A presentation of the mark-up, representational techniques and rationales used in the Petrarchive's rich-text editions and construction of its numerous indices.
Date: 4/30/2015
Conference Name: Digital Humanities for Medieval Italy, NeMLA, Toronto, Canada

The Evolving Fragmenta: Editing An Imperfect Holograph (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: The Evolving Fragmenta: Editing An Imperfect Holograph
Author: H. Wayne Storey
Abstract: This presentation offers a rationale for the two types of textual representation in Petrarch's partially holograph manuscript of the Rerum vulgarium fragmenta: Vatican Library Latino 3195. Delineating between the project's first and completed sections (cc. 1-38 and 53-60) and its unfinished, experimental section (cc. 39–52 and 60-72), Storey examines the need to treat the two sections of the manuscript as two editorially distinguishable units that have to be edited with different methods.
Date: 5/2/2015
Conference Name: Authority and Materiality in the Italian Songbook: From the Medieval Lyric to the Early Modern Madrigal, Binghamton, NY

The Revisualization of an Icon of European Literature: Petrarch’s Rerum vulgarium fragmenta (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: The Revisualization of an Icon of European Literature: Petrarch’s Rerum vulgarium fragmenta
Author: H. Wayne Storey
Abstract: The Petrarchive editions' orientations to the texts of the Rerum vulgarium fragmenta are founded principally on heretofore un-noted difference between the fair-copy parts of MS Vatican Latino 3195 and the service- or experimental sections of the MS after the work was rubricated in the summer of 1368. The distinction between these two sections is pivotal in the application methodological innovations in Storey and Walsh's rich-text editions.
Date: 9/26/2016
Conference Name: Rutgers University Italian Studies Program

Digital Tools of the Petrarchive and Editorial Applications (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Digital Tools of the Petrarchive and Editorial Applications
Abstract: This presentation workshop demonstrates the multiple visual-poetic and philological features of the Petrarchive's rich-text editions.
Author: John A. Walsh
Author: H. Wayne Storey
Date: 3/20/2014
Location: University of Washington–Seattle, Society for Textual Scholarship

Indexicality, Visual Poetics and the PetrArchive: A Scholarly Digital Edition of Petrarch’s Songbook (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Indexicality, Visual Poetics and the PetrArchive: A Scholarly Digital Edition of Petrarch’s Songbook
Author: John A. Walsh
Abstract: This presentation demonstrates the main features of the relationship between visual poetics and indexicality in the encoding and digital representation of Petrarch's Rerum vulgarium fragmenta in Storey and Walsh's editions.
Date: 11/24/2013
Conference Name: 10th Conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship: “Variance in Textual Scholarship and Genetic Criticism / La variance en philologie et dans la critique génétique”, École Normale Supérieure Paris

Materialità e immaterialità dei testi nell’era digitale (con prospezioni circa l’edizione critica) (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Materialità e immaterialità dei testi nell’era digitale (con prospezioni circa l’edizione critica)
Abstract: Experiences from the Petrarchive in the digital representation of the materiality of Petrarch's visual poetics in MS Vatican Latino 3195 and corresponding systems of other manuscripts from the late 14th and the early 15th century and their roles in critical editing of Petrarch's masterpiece.
Author: H. Wayne Storey
Date: 11/18/2015
Location: University of Verona (Italy)

Indexicality, Visual Poetics and the PetrArchive: A Scholarly Digital Edition of Petrarch’s Songbook (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Indexicality, Visual Poetics and the PetrArchive: A Scholarly Digital Edition of Petrarch’s Songbook
Author: John A. Walsh
Abstract: This presentation demonstrates the main features of the relationship between visual poetics and indexicality in the encoding and digital representation of Petrarch's Rerum vulgarium fragmenta in Storey and Walsh's editions.
Date: 11/24/2013
Conference Name: 10th Conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship: “Variance in Textual Scholarship and Genetic Criticism / La variance en philologie et dans la critique génétique”, École Normale Supérieure Paris

Petrarch, his son-in-law and a hidden codex of the Rerum vulgarium fragmenta (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Petrarch, his son-in-law and a hidden codex of the Rerum vulgarium fragmenta
Abstract: This lecture presented the results of NEH research on the early manuscript tradition of Petrarch's Rerum vulgarium fragmenta (Rvf) for the Petrarchive's rich-text editions The presentation focused on the re-discovery of a later copy of a much earlier codex that represented an intermediary form of the Rvf between the original antegraph revised by Petrarch for Malpaghini and the experimental addenda in Petrarch's MS Vatican Latino 3195.
Author: H. Wayne Storey
Date: 11/16/2016
Location: University of Verona, Italy
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: allows access to PPT presentations

Textual transmission and interpretative mediations of Petrarch’s Fragmenta (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Textual transmission and interpretative mediations of Petrarch’s Fragmenta
Author: Isabella Magni
Abstract: This paper studies the stratification of interpretation instilled in the editorial tradition of Petrarch's Fragmenta, from 15th-century manuscripts to modern editions.
Date: 10/22/2016
Conference Name: The Pre-Modern Book in a Global Context, Binghamton, NY

Digital representations of Petrarch’s Rerum vulgarium fragmenta (Conference/Institute/Seminar)
Title: Digital representations of Petrarch’s Rerum vulgarium fragmenta
Author: Isabella Magni
Abstract: This presentation traced the history of the development of the Petrarchive's rich-text editions and of its methodological principles, beginning with the project's prototypes and their expansion in the context of diverse uses in the site.
Date Range: 6/7/2016
Location: DHSI Colloquium, University of Victoria, Canada

Deep maps and spatial humanities: visualizing the formation of the Fragmenta (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Deep maps and spatial humanities: visualizing the formation of the Fragmenta
Author: Isabella Magni
Abstract: This conference paper outlined issues of deep maps and the spatial-geographical organization of the ongoing timeline tool of the Petrarchive Project ( Taking two test years as prototypes, the talk examined the problems of mapping conjectured vs verifiable information upon which to build the timeline.
Date: 3/19/2016
Conference Name: 47th Annual NeMLA Convention , Hartford, Connecticut

Petrarchive. An edition of Petrarch's songbook Rerum vulgarium fragmenta (Conference/Institute/Seminar)
Title: Petrarchive. An edition of Petrarch's songbook Rerum vulgarium fragmenta
Author: Isabella Magni
Abstract: Presentation of the encoding strategies and representational systems of the Petrarchive's editions, developing especially the representation of Petrarch's use of editorial space in his partially holograph and supervised manuscript Vatican Latino 3195.
Date Range: 8/4/2015
Location: The European Summer University in Digital Humanities, Universität Leipzig, Germany

The Fragmenta ’s Timeline: Models for Reconstructing and Interpreting the Text (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: The Fragmenta ’s Timeline: Models for Reconstructing and Interpreting the Text
Author: Isabella Magni
Abstract: An introduction to the pivotal strategies in the construction of the Petrarchive's interactive timeline. The essay develops the application of TEI's codes of assuredness, probability and conjecture in revising and reformulating commonly held tenets of Petrarch's biography and production.
Date: 5/4/2015
Conference Name: Authority and Materiality in the Italian Songbook: From the Medieval Lyric to the Early Modern Madrigal, Binghamton, NY