
Education Programs: Humanities Initiatives at Colleges and Universities

Period of Performance

2/1/2023 - 1/31/2025

Funding Totals

$149,956.00 (approved)
$149,956.00 (awarded)

Historical Trauma and Transformation: A Place-Based Humanities Minor

FAIN: AA-290001-23

University of Tulsa (Tulsa, OK 74104-9700)
Lisa Cromer (Project Director: May 2022 to present)
Kristen Oertel (Co Project Director: December 2022 to present)

A two-year project to create a minor program that centers on place-based approaches to studying trauma and local history. 

The Historical Trauma and Transformation (H2T) Minor uses place-based learning to cultivate a deep understanding of American and world history by exploring how collective trauma and the responses to it have shaped society and institutional structures. H2T will engage students in meaningful class discussions, hands-on research with archival materials, and excursions to museums and historic sites. The intention is for H2T courses to weave Tulsa history and resources together with place-based learning and community partnerships. Courses will examine contemporary social structures, values, and beliefs within the context of their historical roots that include a history of racism, colonization, forced migration, and/or genocide. Students will use trauma theory and an understanding of historical and intergenerational trauma transmission to address current-day problems. Students will learn how people and cultures survive, thrive, and transform trauma as they shape societal change.

Media Coverage

TU receives $150K grant to create new trauma studies minor (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Tim Stanley
Publication: The Tulsa World
Date: 2/4/2023
Abstract: Announcement of the award and comments from co-PI Oertel and university officials.

TU Set to Begin New Trauma Studies Minor (Media Coverage)
Publication: @utulsa magazine
Date: 5/1/2023
Abstract: The University of Tulsa Magazine did a three page story to cover the new minor.
URL: http://

New minor at the University of Tulsa offers interdisciplinary studies in Historical Trauma and Transformation, or H2T (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Meredith Johnson
Publication: Mvskoke Media
Date: 2/27/2024
Abstract: A new academic minor with a strong community focus is now available at the University of Tulsa. The Historical Trauma and Transformation minor, also called H2T, is being offered through the interdisciplinary Tulsa Institute of Trauma, Adversity, and iNjustice (TITAN) at the university. The program received a funding grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities in Feb 2023 and began enrolling students in October.
URL: http://

New minor based on Indigenous trauma studies offered at TU (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Felix Clary
Publication: Tulsa World
Date: 2/26/2024
Abstract: The University of Tulsa has created a new trauma studies minor that explores historical trauma effects and treatments based on an Indigenous psychologist’s theories. The new minor is called the Historical Trauma and Transformation minor, or H2T for short. It was created by the TU Institute of Trauma, Adversity and Injustice with a $150,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Lisa DeMarni Cromer, executive director of the institute and lead on the project, stated, “TITAN (the TU Institute of Trauma, Adversity and Injustice) has long been on the leading edge of trauma-focused interdisciplinary scholarship and providing this educational opportunity at the undergraduate level will have far-reaching impacts. A key aspect of this unique program is an NEH sponsored Summer Faculty Training Institute that brought trauma-focused, culturally humble teaching approaches to courses that are in the minor’s curriculum.”
URL: http://

Author(s): Craig Day
Date: 10/13/2023

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