
Education Programs: Humanities Initiatives at Hispanic-Serving Institutions

Period of Performance

4/1/2017 - 5/31/2019

Funding Totals

$99,429.00 (approved)
$88,457.69 (awarded)

Coastal Culinary: Exploring Food Narratives

FAIN: AC-253445-17

Galveston College (Galveston, TX 77550-7447)
David Shane Wallace (Project Director: June 2016 to November 2019)
Michael P. Berberich (Co Project Director: March 2017 to November 2019)

A two-year project for faculty to study and develop courses on food studies.

The “Coastal Culinary: Tasting Food Narratives” project is a two-year (25 month) effort to strengthen the teaching and study of humanities within the Galveston region, specifically at Galveston College, a small Hispanic serving community college. The humanities topic of focus is food studies, food pathways, and the use of personal narratives informed by family recipes – story-telling focused on food. Twelve faculty participants in addition to the Director and Co-Director (n=14) will engage in a four-phase professional development sequence of (1) group study, (2) curriculum re-design, (3) implementation, and (4) assessment of practice through self-study.

Associated Products

Revised Curriculum for ENGL 1302 course (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Revised Curriculum for ENGL 1302 course
Author: David Shane Wallace
Abstract: This is a collaborative writing assignment. You will collaborate with an interview participant in building content for your paper. Also keep in mind that your fellow 1301 students and I are your audience. Tell your story in a way that will be interesting to those outside of your story—your readers.Select from one of the following topics. If you have an idea beyond what's listed below, send me a message.?Interview a family member about a specific family recipe or food tradition. Family recipes could be something unique to your family, or your family's background. Or maybe it's a common dish you eat regularly, but it has special associations for you. (These are just examples - you may use any family food story that's interesting to you!)?Interview someone from your community about a food tradition. Do you have a neighbor who takes pride in their BBQ? Have you ever wondered how that Cambodian donut shop owner started their business? Interview them and write about it.?Explore the roots of a family meal. How does it come together? What's its significance for you and your family? Who prepares it? Are there any rituals surrounding it?
Year: 2018
Audience: Undergraduate

Learning to Write Using Methodologies (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Learning to Write Using Methodologies
Author: Michael Berberich
Abstract: You need to begin by writing an opening paragraph that provides your readers with an overview of what the project is about. [Summer semester 2018 the container was filled with multiple colored peppercorns.] You can be creative here if you want. That means you can imagine and invent a context for the assignment that goes beyond information I have provided; you cannot change or alter the rules of the assignment, however. To begin, you should define any key terms that will be implemented in any your methodologies. After all, readers need to know what it is exactly that you are counting. So, for example, what will count as a red peppercorn? This is what is known as an existential question, i.e., something that addresses the very nature of a thing. All explanations in the assignment must be written in full sentences.
Year: 2018
Audience: Undergraduate

Food History (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Food History
Author: Larry Blomstedt
Abstract: Selections from various authors discussing historical foodways.
Year: 2018
Audience: Undergraduate

Never too Many Cooks: An NEH Grant Incorporating Food Narratives into Various Academic Disciplines (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Never too Many Cooks: An NEH Grant Incorporating Food Narratives into Various Academic Disciplines
Author: Michael Berberich
Abstract: Discussion of the grant and the ways it was used to revise curriculum at GC.
Date: 10/20/17
Conference Name: TYCA-SW

ENGL 1302 Service Learning Option (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: ENGL 1302 Service Learning Option
Author: David Shane Wallace
Abstract: I am offering students the option of participating in a service learning project, which will substitute for some of the required elements of the course. For fall semester 2019, students can choose to complete two full shifts (these vary in length) with one of the following local food-related projects: Before you select a Service Learning project, click on the links below to learn more about these excellent Galveston community organizations. Galveston’s Own Farmer’s Market Sunday shifts from 8:00-1:00 Galveston College Food For Thought: Food Scholarship Program, Wednesday shifts on 9/18 and 10/23 from 9:30-1:30 GOFM Young Gardeners Program, Select Saturday Shifts at Rosenberg Elementary, Oppe Elementary, L.A. Morgan Elementary, and Crenshaw Elementary TBA Seeding Galveston, Shifts/Workdays TBA
Year: 2019
Audience: Undergraduate