
Education Programs: Humanities Initiatives at Hispanic-Serving Institutions

Period of Performance

6/1/2022 - 5/31/2024

Funding Totals

$150,000.00 (approved)
$149,532.00 (awarded)

Digital Humanities Across the Curriculum

FAIN: AC-284525-22

St. Francis College (Brooklyn, NY 11201-4305)
Jennifer Wingate (Project Director: May 2021 to present)
Athena Devlin (Co Project Director: December 2021 to present)
Emily Edwards (Co Project Director: December 2021 to present)

A two-year curriculum development project to integrate digital humanities into history, communications, interdisciplinary studies, and English courses.

Digital Humanities Across the Curriculum will provide the tools and resources to allow St. Francis College to implement digital humanities across multiple disciplines so that nearly all 2,700 students are exposed to digital humanities. This includes the course redesign for at least eight courses, professional development for over 50 faculty and the creation of a Digital Humanities Lab.

Associated Products

Digital Pedagogy Toolkit Digital Technologies and Projects 101 (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Digital Pedagogy Toolkit Digital Technologies and Projects 101
Author: Emily Lynell Edwards
Abstract: An evolving project featuring guidance, strategies, and information for integrating digital technologies and projects into the SFC undergraduate classroom.
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: A link to the project landing page on SFC's Manifold instance.
Audience: Undergraduate

The Terrier Journal (Web Resource)
Title: The Terrier Journal
Author: Caroline Hagood
Author: Anna Riddo
Abstract: The purpose of the Arts magazine is for students to be able to share their voice and express their creativity. This is important for students because when dealing with creative arts they don’t feel heard. There are so many people who want to share their work, but they have no place where they can express themselves. Arts majors are usually told that they will not make it or that their dream is not achievable. Since Saint Francis College is the small college for big dreams people should be encouraged to do what they are passionate about. They should know that at the college their voice matters, their dreams matter and their creativity deserves a space to be showcased. The student editor-in-chief is Anna Riddo, supervised by Dr. Caroline Hagood, Assistant Professor of Literature, Writing and Publishing and Director of Undergraduate Writing.
Year: 2023
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Homepage of The Terrier Journal on SFC's Manifold instance.
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Issue two of The Terrier Journal.

Echoes of Clayoquot Sound Through Poetry Memory, Culture & Communication (Web Resource)
Title: Echoes of Clayoquot Sound Through Poetry Memory, Culture & Communication
Author: Martina Karels
Abstract: "Echoes of Clayoquot Sound Through Poetry" is a collection of I-poems created by SFC students in the honors course ‘Collective Memory, Culture & Communication’. In this course we explored how groups and societies remember the past -- socially, politically and creatively -- to preserve history, shape identity, promote social cohesion, and guide actions and decisions. This poetry collection draws on oral history interviews found in the digital archive ‘Clayoquot Lives: An Ecofeminist Story Web’. The archive gives insight into the experiences of various activists involved in the 1993 anti-logging Peace Camp at Clayoquot Sound on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Through their stories we explored the intersection of memory, activism, politics and poetry. By engaging with the data and creating I-poems, we were able to deepen our understanding of how stories and poetry can be used in the transmission of collective memory. Contributors: Leonidas Athanasoulias, Lena Beasley, Laetitia Bouc, Ma Carmela Calimoso, Christian Darnowski, Debasree Das, Amal Eldesouky, Alina Graf, Yousef Hasan-Hafez, Gabriela Kostka, Andrea Lancianese, Shaina Marks, Gabrielle Medor, Fatima Meza, Matthew Pisano, Megi Rama, Kleid Saraci, Tom Simpson, Maria Eduarda Tarre and Sierra Link, with guidance by Dr. Martina Karels. All I-poems were created with transcript data from: Clayoquot Lives. n.d. Clayoquot Lives: An Ecofeminist Story Web. Accessed April 26, 2023.
Year: 2023
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Landing page for Echoes of Clayoquot Sound Through Poetry project on SFC Manifold instance.

HIS-2314-01 Topics in Public History, Mississippi and Brooklyn Women (Acquisitions/Materials Collection)
Name: HIS-2314-01 Topics in Public History, Mississippi and Brooklyn Women
Abstract: The Mississippi and Brooklyn Women exhibit has been researched, created, and developed by the students of St. Francis College HIS 2314 and University of Southern Mississippi HIS 477/WGS 410.Throughout the development of the digital exhibit about the history of women in Brooklyn, NY and Mississippi, students worked together using walking tours, zoom meetings, and interactions with the community to ensure the creditbility and real truth of women's history.The site ranges from including women who helped fight the stigma of only being housewives to women who paved the way for people of color and their advancement in society. By the end of the exhibit, you should be able to fully understand the real truths of what it was like to be a woman in America and the power they hold in our history and development as a nation.
Director: Sara Rzeszutek
Year: 2022
Address: 179 Livingston Street Brooklyn, NY 11201-9902
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Landing page for Omeka exhibition.

The Faculty Coffee Break Podcast (Radio/Audio Broadcast or Recording)
Title: The Faculty Coffee Break Podcast
Writer: Molly Mann
Director: Molly Mann
Producer: Molly Mann
Abstract: Produced by the Center for Advancement of Faculty Excellence (CAFE) at St. Francis College in Brooklyn, NY, the Faculty Coffee Break Podcast features conversations about pedagogy, curricular and co-curricular design, and faculty development. Connect with us at Originally solely an audio resource, Dr. Mann created created a Manifold digital project for the Coffee Break Podcast to make it an open-access pedagogical resource.
Date: 01/27/2023
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: The Manifold landing page for the Coffee Break Podcast.
Format: Web

Introduction to Game Studies (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Introduction to Game Studies
Author: Emily Lynell Edwards
Abstract: In this course we will historicize the technological development of video games as a medium and delve into the field of Game Studies, alongside other critical theories, to understand how scholars, journalists, developers, and critics have studied and created video games. We will play games, critique games, theorize about games, and pitch our own game. In Ready Player One we will learn how to become critical game players and scholars. The syllabus is included in the supplementary materials section.
Year: 2022
Audience: Undergraduate

Terriers Take on the World Conformity vs. Disobedience to Social Norms (Web Resource)
Title: Terriers Take on the World Conformity vs. Disobedience to Social Norms
Author: Brian Gregory
Abstract: Together, we are resisting the status quo imposed by neoliberalism by dismantling false narratives of altruism and reclaiming spaces for community collaboration and empowerment. Globalization is “a spatial concept referring to a set of social processes that is transforming our present social condition of conventional nationality into one of globality.” (Manfred Steger, Globalization: A Very Short Introduction, 2). In NYC, volunteer and community service is an act of civil disobedience for those who want a more just, equitable, and compassionate world for all. Connected with New York Cares and other organizations, St. Francis College students took on the role of working with others through forming meaningful connections to promote empathy, solidarity, and cross-cultural learning to better understand the meaning of globalization.
Year: 2024
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: URL to Terriers Take on the World project homepage.

Globalizing Locally Through Community Service (Web Resource)
Title: Globalizing Locally Through Community Service
Author: Brian Gregory
Abstract: Globalization "takes place deep inside the 'regional', 'national', and 'local' domains... Global Studies scholars refer to this complex interplay between the global and the local/national as globalization. In short, globalization is really glocalization" (Manfred Steger, Globalization: A Very Short Introduction, 5th edition, 3). Through a Global Communication’s class, students learned about many dimensions of globalization. Students were then inspired to take on volunteering projects where they established connections with several communities across New York City. From astounding stories to impressive achievements, students learned how globalization is apparent on the local level. These are their stories.
Year: 2023
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: URL to homepage of Globalizing Locally project.

Digital Creators, Cultures and Trends (Web Resource)
Title: Digital Creators, Cultures and Trends
Author: Caroline Hagood
Abstract: Adventures in Digital Publishing, critical cultural essays.
Year: 2024
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: Homepage for Digital Creators project.

Digital Humanities Project Registry (Web Resource)
Title: Digital Humanities Project Registry
Author: Emily Lynell Edwards
Abstract: Welcome to the Digital Humanities project registry. This project catalogues all projects produced by SFC students and nominated for recognition by faculty between 2022 and 2024.
Year: 2024
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: URL to SFC DH project registry.

“The Columbus Park 3 – The Unraveling of Legacies” (Web Resource)
Title: “The Columbus Park 3 – The Unraveling of Legacies”
Author: Britney Joseph
Abstract: Digital map project on the “The Columbus Park 3," received award for top-five best DH project at the College.
Year: 2023
Primary URL:

“Gallery Walk” (Web Resource)
Title: “Gallery Walk”
Author: Cristina Martinez
Abstract: Digital gallery and exhibition project, received award for top-five best DH project at the College.
Year: 2023
Primary URL:

“Personal Diaspora” (Web Resource)
Title: “Personal Diaspora”
Author: Kobe Novaton
Abstract: “Personal Diaspora” project, received award for top-five best DH project at the College.
Year: 2023
Primary URL: