
Education Programs: Humanities Initiatives at Hispanic-Serving Institutions

Period of Performance

2/1/2023 - 1/31/2026

Funding Totals

$150,000.00 (approved)
$150,000.00 (awarded)

Italian in Wonderland: A Curriculum Redesign on an Open Educational Digital Platform

FAIN: AC-289961-23

Arizona Board of Regents (Tucson, AZ 85721-0073)
Maria Letizia Bellocchio (Project Director: May 2022 to present)
Borbala Gaspar (Co Project Director: December 2022 to present)
Giuseppe Cavatorta (Co Project Director: December 2022 to present)

A three-year project to develop curriculum and open educational resources for interdisciplinary courses in Italian language and culture.

Italian in Wonderland is a three-year long curriculum redesign conceived for collegiate learners. It entails the development of groundbreaking Italian cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural language and culture courses that are adaptable for online, hybrid and in-person teaching modes as an Open Educational digital platform. The project involves the development, digitization, implementation, assessment, and dissemination of six Italian courses focusing on the main theme of “socio-cultural realities.” The primary objective of these courses is to improve learners’ critical and analytical skills through a whole-body curriculum that integrates humanities content with topics in the social sciences and STEM fields in order to advance aptitude for cross-cultural, transdisciplinary learning and collaboration.