
Education Programs: Humanities Initiatives at Community Colleges

Period of Performance

4/1/2016 - 9/30/2018

Funding Totals

$95,783.00 (approved)
$88,679.88 (awarded)

History of Western Medicine Project

FAIN: AE-247980-16

Columbus State Community College (Columbus, OH 43215-1722)
Benjamin James Pugno (Project Director: August 2015 to May 2019)
Dea Hadley Boster (Co Project Director: March 2016 to May 2019)

A two-year project to develop a two-course sequence in the history of Western medicine, disease, and public health.

This project will create a two-course sequence history course focused on the humanities electives required by Health and Allied Health Students. Currently, students enroll in general history courses to fulfill this general education requirement. Students enrolled in health and allied health fields have requested a contextualized course that aligns to their interests. The NEH project includes four primary deliverables include: 1. Two-course History of Western Medicine sequence with digitized learning assets. 2. Transfer agreement with four-year institutions for the History of Western Medicine sequence 3. Evaluation report including results of pilot offering and analysis from observers 4. Dissemination plan to facilitate the replication of the project at other institutions