
Education Programs: Humanities Initiatives at Community Colleges

Period of Performance

4/1/2016 - 3/31/2018

Funding Totals

$99,673.00 (approved)
$99,673.00 (awarded)

America's Wars: Individual Experience and Collective Memory

FAIN: AE-248003-16

Wake Technical Community College (Raleigh, NC 27603-5655)
James J. Neilson (Project Director: August 2015 to July 2019)
Barry Malone (Co Project Director: March 2016 to July 2019)

A two-year project to incorporate the perspectives of veterans into courses in English, history, philosophy, psychology, and sociology, to support two symposia, one for faculty, one for students, and to create a digital archive of oral histories.

Wake Technical Community College’s (WTCC) proposed project, America’s Wars: Individual Experience and Collective Memory will render more visible the experience of war by incorporating the perspectives of veterans into courses within the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences division. The America’s Wars project will begin in July 2016 with four main activities: 1) faculty symposia led by scholars and experts; 2) student symposia with expert-led lecture/discussions; 3) incorporation of new material into English, History, Philosophy, Psychology, and Sociology courses; and 4) the creation of a digitally-archived oral history. The faculty and student symposia will be led by faculty from Duke University, UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Charlotte, and North Carolina State University, as well as by war veterans and public historians.

Media Coverage

Wake Tech Community College Takes Steps to Promote Veterans (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Grayson Logue
Publication: Raleigh News and Observer
Date: 6/8/2016
Abstract: This article describes the NEH grant in conjunction with Wake Technical Community College's services for veterans. The article explains that "the school will begin a two-year project to research and catalog the experiences of Triangle veterans and use those stories in the classroom. In the first phase, students and faculty at Wake Tech will seek out and record stories from veterans to create oral histories that will be housed at the State Archives and made available to the public. . . . The project, titled 'America’s Wars: Individual Experience and Collective Memories,' will be underwritten by a grant of nearly $100,000 from the National Endowment for the Humanities."

Associated Products

The Silent Majority Sings: Patriotic Songs of the Sixties (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: The Silent Majority Sings: Patriotic Songs of the Sixties
Author: Jim Neilson
Abstract: This paper examines pro-war and anti-counter culture songs of the 1960s. Cultural memory of the Vietnam War era has ignored these songs. Examining these songs reveals the grievance and confusion and hostility that was generated by opposition to the war, a position that ultimately was exploited politically by Richard Nixon. These songs show the beginnings of a divide that continues to torment American politics and culture.
Date: 10/06/17
Conference Name: Popular Culture/American Culture Association in the South