
Education Programs: Humanities Initiatives at Community Colleges

Period of Performance

10/1/2017 - 6/30/2021

Funding Totals

$99,989.00 (approved)
$82,766.53 (awarded)

Energizing Humanities in California's San Joaquin Valley

FAIN: AE-255995-17

Kern Community College District (Bakersfield, CA 93301-4014)
Oliver Arthur Rosales (Project Director: January 2017 to October 2022)
Andrew Bond (Co Project Director: June 2017 to October 2022)
Josh Ottum (Co Project Director: June 2017 to October 2022)

A three-year project for faculty professional and curricular development on the contribution of agriculture and the energy economy to California’s rich and diverse culture.

The Kern Community College District is applying on behalf of Bakersfield College for "Energizing Humanities in California's San Joaquin Valley." Over a three year period, community college faculty cohorts will focus on improving humanities instructions through place-based pedagogy and curriculum development at Bakersfield College (BC). Summer bridge programs for migrant students incoming to BC will be included. Each grant year, faculty cohorts will participate in common readings, work with visiting scholars, and curriculum design. Selected topics include the history of agriculture in California's San Joaquin Valley, regional literary production, and the music and culture of the San Joaquin. A culminating regional conference will conclude the three-year grant period. Each year faculty cohort participants will conduct professional development workshops at Bakersfield College to sustain the wider impact of the grant upon improving humanities instruction.