
Education Programs: Humanities Initiatives at Community Colleges

Period of Performance

2/1/2020 - 6/30/2023

Funding Totals

$100,000.00 (approved)
$91,247.91 (awarded)

Engaging in Ethics: Promoting the "Good Life" through Ethics Education

FAIN: AE-269208-20

Santa Fe College (Gainesville, FL 32606-6200)
Ann Thebaut (Project Director: July 2019 to July 2024)
Bill Stephenson (Co Project Director: January 2020 to July 2024)

Engaging in Ethics: Promoting the “Good Life” through Ethics Education is a three-year project (2/1/2020 -1/31/2023) proposed by Santa Fe College, whose purpose is to expand ethics education at Santa Fe through initiatives that actively engage students in ethics and promote their civic, vocational, and humanistic development. Proposed initiatives include the design and development of Ethics Across the Curriculum workshops, a Character Education Certificate program, and Ethics Bowl events. Project activities will develop students’ abilities to think critically, express ideas clearly, and interact with others in a positive and productive way—capacities necessary for a “good life” that embraces engagement with the humanities. Additionally, the project will support Santa Fe’s commitment as a community college to educate students who are on diverse educational and career pathways by infusing a humanities topic—ethics—into fields outside the humanities.

Associated Products

2020 Two--Year College Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl (Conference/Institute/Seminar)
Title: 2020 Two--Year College Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl
Author: Ann Thebaut
Author: Jason Frank
Author: Greg Wright
Author: John Garcia
Abstract: Santa Fe College, in collaboration with other two-year institutions across the country who participate in Ethics Bowl, developed a unique model for the 2020 and Two-Year College Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl that successfully met the challenges of hosting a virtual competition. SF's model incorporated both asynchronous and synchronous competition components that were designed to put competitors at ease in the virtual world and promote those aspects of Ethics Bowl that distinguish it from the traditional Speech and Debate model, namely, collegial and civil discourse. It allowed teams to spend more time crafting their presentations through a critical, self-evaluative process that promoted deeper understanding of not only the cases, but also of team dynamics. Although it was recognized that the asynchronous aspects of the proposed model took away some of the spontaneity inherent in the traditional face-to-face Ethics Bowl competition, participants agreed that the hybrid model for a virtual Ethics Bowl had pedagogical and technical advantages. Going forward, it is a model worth considering, even in a post-Covid world, as it promotes outcomes difficult to achieve in a face-to-face environment, namely, greater participation (due to decreased cost) on the part of two-year colleges, as well as a heightened sense of community among two-year colleges across the country.
Date Range: 10/16/2020 thru 11/21/2020
Location: virtually, via Zoom/hosted by Santa Fe College
Primary URL:

PHI 1623: Workplace Ethics/Syllabus & Course Design (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: PHI 1623: Workplace Ethics/Syllabus & Course Design
Author: James Nichols
Author: Ann Thebaut
Author: Eugenio Zaldivar
Abstract: PHI 1623 Workplace Ethics introduces students to current and historically relevant topics of cultural, societal and interpersonal values and ethics seen in the workplace. Emphasis is placed on core areas of ethical significance in the contemporary workplace. This includes, but is not limited to issues in information technology, personal data management, crisis ethics, human resources, workplace equity, community commitment, workplace safety, worker rights, and conflict resolution. Students will acquire the necessary moral reasoning skills to address in a thoughtful and effective way significant ethical dilemmas that arise in the workplace from managerial, worker, and other perspectives. This course is especially valuable for students seeking to enter the workplace, and so it is relevant to the interests of students in all degree and certificate programs.
Year: 2020
Primary URL:
Audience: Undergraduate

The Ethics Bowl "Toolkit"--SF's Guide to Ethics Bowl (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: The Ethics Bowl "Toolkit"--SF's Guide to Ethics Bowl
Author: Lisa Charney
Author: Ann Thebaut
Author: Claire Orenduff
Author: Ronald Claypool
Abstract: The Ethics Bowl Toolkit is a compilation of resources meant to introduce students to ethics and Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl. Some of the resources were created by SF faculty members/Ethics Bowl team advisors, and some were taken from outside sources. SF's Ethics Bowl Toolkit resources are part of a Module that is housed in a Canvas course titled "Santa Fe Ethics Bowl Team."
Year: 2020
Primary URL:
Audience: Undergraduate

Ethics Bowl: Promoting Truth over Persuasion through Civil Discourse (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Ethics Bowl: Promoting Truth over Persuasion through Civil Discourse
Abstract: In this introductory Ethics Bowl session, presented at the University of Florida's Oak Hammock retirement community as part of their ILR (Institute of Learning in Retirement) course series, Oak Hammock residents will engage in cross-generational conversations with members of the SF Ethics Bowl Team. Discussion topics will be drawn from this year's Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl competition cases, which focus on timely and tough ethical issues.
Author: Jason Frank
Author: Ann Thebaut
Date: 02/10/2020
Location: Oak Hammock retirement community; Gainesville, Florida
Primary URL:

Creating Culturally Meaningful Learning Experiences for Students through Food (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Creating Culturally Meaningful Learning Experiences for Students through Food
Abstract: In this session, Santa Fe College language professors, Eva Casanas and Marcela Murillo, along with SF philosophy professor, Ann Thebaut, will each share their innovative pedagogical strategies for educating students on the cultural and ethical significance of food and sustainability. Eva and Marcela will discuss how, through research and creation of posters focused on foods from different cultures, SF students of Spanish and Chinese learned not only about food production and consumption, but also about the cultural significance of food. Ann will describe how ethical issues of food and sustainability were considered in the context of a thought-provoking, fast-paced ethics improv competition--a "Sustainability Slam." Audience members should find this to be a fun and engaging session!
Author: Marcela Murillo
Author: Ann Thebaut
Author: Eva Casanas
Date: 2/14/2020
Location: Santa Fe College (Gainesville, FL) as part of a Food Sustainability Symposium
Primary URL:

Summer 2020 Virtual Ethics Slams (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Summer 2020 Virtual Ethics Slams
Abstract: A series of virtual Ethics Bowl events was designed, developed, and implemented during Summer 2020 as a way to promote Ethics Bowl at SF and other two-year colleges in a virtual environment. These offerings included a "Meet, Greet, & Mini-Slam," (on 7/17/2020) as well as "Discussion Huddles" and "Summer Slams" (on 7/31 and 8/14/2020), all meant to engage community college students in fun, fast-paced virtual Ethics Bowl-style debate about some timely ethical issues.
Author: Jason Frank
Author: Ann Thebaut
Author: Claire Orenduff
Author: Lisa Charney
Author: Ronald Claypool
Date: 7/17/2020
Location: via Zoom
Primary URL:

2021 Two-Year College Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl (Conference/Institute/Seminar)
Title: 2021 Two-Year College Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl
Author: Ann Thebaut
Author: Jason Frank
Author: Greg Wright
Author: John Garcia
Abstract: Santa Fe College, in collaboration with other two-year institutions across the country who participate in Ethics Bowl, developed a unique model for the 2021 Two-Year College Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl that successfully met the challenges of hosting a virtual competition. SF's model incorporated both asynchronous and synchronous competition components that were designed to put competitors at ease in the virtual world and promote those aspects of Ethics Bowl that distinguish it from the traditional Speech and Debate model, namely, collegial and civil discourse. It allowed teams to spend more time crafting their presentations through a critical, self-evaluative process that promoted deeper understanding of not only the cases, but also of team dynamics. Although it was recognized that the asynchronous aspects of the proposed model took away some of the spontaneity inherent in the traditional face-to-face Ethics Bowl competition, participants agreed that the hybrid model for a virtual Ethics Bowl had pedagogical and technical advantages. Going forward, it is a model worth considering, even in a post-Covid world, as it promotes outcomes difficult to achieve in a face-to-face environment, namely, greater participation (due to decreased cost) on the part of two-year colleges, as well as a heightened sense of community among two-year colleges across the country.
Date Range: 10/1 - 11/20/2021
Location: base of operation was Santa Fe College, Gainesville, Florida; other institutions involved participated via Zoom
Primary URL:

Santa Fe College Center for Applied Ethics and Humanities (Center)
Name: Santa Fe College Center for Applied Ethics and Humanities
Abstract: During Year #2 of the grant period, a SF Center for Applied Ethics and Humanities was established. Although a Director has not yet been appointed, Project Director, Ann Thebaut, serves as its Coordinator. Dr. Thebaut, along with Project Co-Director, Bill Stephenson, presented to SF administration the CAEH Executive Summary and Proposal for Organizational Structure. Additionally, a CAEH website was created. See attached document links, which provide an overview of the CAEH mission, as well as a pointer to its website.
Director: no Director yet named--Project Director, Ann Thebaut, serves as Coordinator
Year: 2021
Address: Santa Fe College 3000 NW 83rd St., B-032B Gainesville, FL 32606
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: link to the website for the SF Center for Applied Ethics and Humanities:

SF Ethics Bowl & ICDP at Oak Hammock: Cross-Generational Conversations (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: SF Ethics Bowl & ICDP at Oak Hammock: Cross-Generational Conversations
Abstract: As a follow-up to the ILR Spring Series course Remaking Our Legacy, this “Ethics Bowl” One-Shot session will provide participants the opportunity to engage in a cross-generational dialogue with members of Santa Fe College’s Ethics Bowl Team. Topics will be drawn from this year’s National Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl competition and will include an array of challenging ethical issues that are in keeping with the Remaking Our Legacy course presentations. ILR students will learn about and engage in an alternative form of debate—Ethics Bowl. Created at the intercollegiate level in 1993, Ethics Bowl is a team competition built around thoughtful analysis and respectful dialogue on some of the most challenging ethical problems facing individuals, communities, and our world today. Ethics Bowl competitions focus on rational and civil discourse and help students gain valuable skills in critical thinking, public speaking, and team building. Join Dr. Ann Thebaut, Santa Fe College ethics professor and Coach of SF’s Ethics Bowl Team, along with the SF Ethics Bowl Team, as they engage ILR students in thoughtful, lively discussion about some timely ethical topics—Ethics-Bowl style!
Author: Ann Thebaut
Author: Claire Orenduff
Author: Lisa Charney
Date: 04/26/2021
Location: on Zoom (virtual event)
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: agenda for the event
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: powerpoint slides used during presentation

Growing a Culture of Ethics at Santa Fe College (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Growing a Culture of Ethics at Santa Fe College
Abstract: Project Director, Ann Thebaut, presents on the many ethics initiatives that Santa Fe College is engaged in on its campus and in its community. The audience for this presentation is a doctoral class in educational leadership, taught by Dr. Sharon Anderson at Colorado State University.
Author: Ann Thebaut
Date: 07/12/2021
Location: Colorado State University (presentation via Zoom)
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: PowerPoint presentation, "Growing a Culture of Ethics at Santa Fe College"

In Word & Deed (Radio/Audio Broadcast or Recording)
Title: In Word & Deed
Director: Ann Thebaut
Director: Jason Frank
Director: Jen Ambrose
Producer: SF MarCom
Producer: SF Media Studio
Abstract: In Word & Deed is a podcast produced by the college that highlights the role that ethics play in our everyday lives. The first season, "Dinner Table Dynamics," features current and former members of SF’s nationally ranked Ethics Bowl team and fellows in the Intercollegiate Civil Disagreement Partnership. They encourage listeners to practice civil discourse as they head home for the holidays, and into extended family discussions. Share your thoughts (and actions) related to the podcast on social media with @santafecollege using #InWordAndDeed.
Date: 10/01/2021
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: link to the media host's website (to access this podcast)
Access Model: open access
Format: Digital File

Food Sustainability in and Beyond the Classroom: The Florida Heritage Foods Project (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Food Sustainability in and Beyond the Classroom: The Florida Heritage Foods Project
Author: Ann Thebaut
Author: Sarah Cervone
Abstract: Inequality, food choice and sustainability are inextricably linked because choice is based on power, and people without power have fewer opportunities to make healthy and sustainable food choices. This is evident in a diverse state like Florida where nearly one out of four minority residents live below the poverty line, and minority residents are nearly twice as likely to die from chronic diet-related illness than white residents. The Florida Heritage Foods Project at (presenters’ home institution) is a student-centered, project-based learning initiative that aims to increase access to fresh and local food for low-income residents by linking local food to local culture. Heritage food lessons in humanities courses guide students toward generating public education materials that 1) provide information on the nutritional and cultural value of specific nutrient-dense crops that are easy and inexpensive to grow in a Florida home garden, and 2) provide quick and easy recipes to promote the consumption of healthier foods. Student-generated artifacts have been adopted by (a local university’s) Health Street program, which aims to reduce disparities in healthcare, and by (a local county) K12 Farm-to-School program. By connecting the classroom to public service, instructional artifacts in the Florida Heritage Foods Project empower students to take a proactive role in promoting more sustainable and just food systems in their community. This joint presentation by two faculty members representing different disciplines will provide concrete ideas for teaching environmental ethics that pertain particularly to the topics of food security, community engagement, and justice.
Date: 10/09/2021
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: PowerPoint presentation
Conference Name: Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum