Advancing Civic Education and Commemorating the Nation's 250th Anniversary
FAIN: AH-271097-20
Supreme Court Historical Society, Inc. (Washington, DC 20003-1036)
Martha J. Meehan-Cohen (Project Director: November 2019 to May 2024)
Requested funding would support the development of 32 new curricular items and 55 new teaching activities for 11 newly added Landmark cases to the Supreme Court Historical Society's (SCHS) Landmark Cases website. The requested funds would be used to hire two law student consultants to research, draft case summaries, and cover editorial duties; engage two high school and one middle school teacher to test materials and review content; and, in coordination with, add video and documentary footage to complement the new curricular items. All other project funding would be covered by SCHS's partner StreetLaw and expected funding from another outside source.