
Education Programs: Cooperative Agreements and Special Projects (Education)

Period of Performance

4/1/2014 - 4/30/2015

Funding Totals

$100,000.00 (approved)
$100,000.00 (awarded)

Warrior-Scholar Project

FAIN: AH-50004-14

Warrior-Scholar Project (Washington, DC 20005-3408)
Christopher R. Howell (Project Director: February 2014 to April 2017)

A series of humanities workshops for recent American military veterans at Yale University, Harvard University, and the University of Michigan.

The Warrior-Scholar Project (WSP) is an intensive, two-week-long, humanities-based "academic boot camp" hosted at America's top universities to facilitate veterans' transition from the military to college. In these two weeks, under the guidance of both student-veterans who've successfully transitioned from the military to college, and world renowned professors, students on the Warrior-Scholar Project develop the analytical reading, writing, and discussion skills critical to academic success, while also learning about what challenges to expect during this transition. Through WSP, not only do we teach veterans the substantive skills they wil need to succeed in college, we aim to completely transform the way they view themselves as students. During the program, our student veterans tackle humanities classics such as Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America, Thucydides' The Peloponnesian War, and Herodotus' The History, as well as more modern works such as Fareed Zakaria's "The Democratic Age," Robert Dahl's How Democratic is the American Constitution?, and Francis Fukuyama's "The Future of History." By engaging with these intellectual giants, the Warrior-Scholars develop confidence and learn critical thinking skills essential to collegiate success, while sparking their excitement about the awesome possibility of academic study.