Intercultural Competency Concentration: Humanities Across the Curriculum
FAIN: AKA-279485-21
Nevada State College (Henderson, NV 89002-9776)
Molly Appel (Project Director: September 2020 to July 2023)
A one-year planning grant to develop an undergraduate concentration in intercultural competency for students across the liberal arts and professional programs in nursing, business, and education.
Nevada State College (NSC) seeks support from the NEH to develop an Intercultural Competency Concentration that will enable all undergraduate students at NSC, regardless of their degree program, to purposefully build their intercultural knowledge and self-efficacy in their fields of study and workplaces. The support of the NEH Humanities Connections Planning Grant will enable NSC’s humanities faculty to collaborate with faculty from our degree programs with a pre-professional focus (e.g., business, education, and nursing) to develop a cohesive learning community that spans our three Schools, but is also tailored to work with the specific needs of each degree program. The one-year planning phase (2021-2022) will produce a comprehensive proposal for the Intercultural Competency Concentration, to be reviewed by the NSC Faculty Senate and Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents during the 2022-2023 school year.
Associated Products
Enhancing Intercultural Learning Across Disciplines: Research from NSC's NEH Humanities Connections Grant (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Enhancing Intercultural Learning Across Disciplines: Research from NSC's NEH Humanities Connections Grant
Author: Molly Appel
Author: Heidi Batiste
Author: LaTricia Perry
Author: Vanessa Mari
Abstract: In 2021-2022, Nevada State’s NEH Humanities Connections Planning Grant team developed a series of Intercultural Competency Learning Benchmarks that reflect our investments as an HSI/MSI/AANAPI institution. Our core principles were: 1) intercultural competency must address the vibrant interculturalism of our own identities and of our local communities; and 2) intercultural learning must be rooted in praxis. During our session, you’ll discover how our benchmarks already exist within what you do in your classes and collaborate with colleagues on how you can tweak an objective, assignment, or activity to enhance intercultural learning – no matter your discipline!
Date: 03/03/2023
Conference Name: Intermountain Teaching for Learning Conference
Movement and Place in Education for the Humanities (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Movement and Place in Education for the Humanities
Author: Jason Harshman
Author: Molly Appel
Author: Oliver Rosales
Author: Lynn Yamasaki
Author: Michael McDuffie
Abstract: Americans are both a people in motion and strongly dedicated to place. This session, presented by the Division of Education Programs of the National Endowment for the Humanities, examines how teachers, students, and public humanities experts create experiential learning opportunities to understand the intersection of place and movement in humanities education. The roundtable discussion will feature directors of four NEH-supported projects.
The Landmarks of American History and Culture program funds professional development workshops that help teachers understand the importance of place. These workshops bring together scholars, public historians, and other partners to engage K-12 educators in the study of sites of historic and cultural significance across the United States. Understanding place, of course, requires understanding borders, migration, and other kinds of movement. The panel will include directors from two recent Landmarks programs: one on the forced movement of Japanese Americans to incarceration camps during WWII and the other on the multi-ethnic and multi-generational migration of people to the San Joaquin Valley.
The agency’s Humanities Connections program, on the other hand, helps teachers and students at college and universities cross intellectual and institutional boundaries between humanities and non-humanities disciplines. These awards support partnerships between humanities faculty and their counterparts in the social and natural sciences and in pre-service or professional programs. They help faculty create interdisciplinary majors, minors, pathways, certificates, and other undergraduate programs incorporating experiential learning. The panel will include directors from two recent Humanities Connections projects: one is developing an intercultural competency concentration for education, nursing, and business students; the other is creating a general education pathway for engineering students that is grounded in philosophy and ethics.
Date: 11/11/2022
Conference Name: National Humanities Conference
Planning the Intercultural Competency Concentration (Web Resource)Title: Planning the Intercultural Competency Concentration
Author: Molly Appel
Abstract: This is a public-facing repository of our planning resources and products.
Year: 2022
Primary URL: