
Education Programs: Humanities Connections Implementation Grants

Period of Performance

5/1/2018 - 4/30/2021

Funding Totals

$99,898.00 (approved)
$99,898.00 (awarded)

Water in Central Asia: Tributaries of Change

FAIN: AKB-260426-18

University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA 15260-6133)
Nancy Condee (Project Director: October 2017 to present)
Ruth Mostern (Co Project Director: April 2019 to present)

A sequence of three courses focused on the past, present, and future of water in Central Asia for students in the social sciences, business, engineering, and the humanities.

The University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Russian and East European Studies (REES) and Asian Studies Center (ASC) propose a project to strengthen interdisciplinary connections among Pitt faculty and students across the humanities, social sciences, and pre-professional programs in business and engineering. Led by Dr. Nancy Condee (REES Director/Slavic Languages and Literatures) and Dr. Ruth Mostern (World History Center Director/ASC affiliate), the project faculty team will develop three new undergraduate courses on the theme of “Water in Central Asia.” This course sequence will incorporate high-impact experiential learning activities, including mentored research projects and virtual peer-to-peer exchanges with students at Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan. The courses will be taught in spring 2019 through spring 2020 and then incorporated into Pitt’s regular curriculum and into two existing student credential programs, as well as a planned new Central Asian Studies Certificate.

Associated Products

Water in Central Eurasia Project Website (Web Resource)
Title: Water in Central Eurasia Project Website
Author: Nancy Condee
Author: Zsuzsanna Magdo
Author: Milan Bizic
Author: Tricia McGough
Abstract: This website serves to disseminate project information and curriculum resources to a wider audience beyond the University of Pittsburgh, while aiding the recruitment of undergraduate students into the course sequence.
Year: 2018
Primary URL: http://

Collaborating across Centers and Disciplines: Pitt's Central Eurasia Initiative (Article)
Title: Collaborating across Centers and Disciplines: Pitt's Central Eurasia Initiative
Author: Nancy Condee
Author: Zsuzsanna Magdo
Abstract: This newsletter article identifies the "Water in Central Eurasia" project as a cornerstone of the Central Eurasian Initiative launched by REEES and ASC at the University of Pittsburgh.
Year: 2018
Primary URL: http://
Access Model: Open Access
Format: Other
Publisher: NewsNet, monthly newsletter of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies

The Central Eurasianist Current of the 2018 Modern Rivers of Eurasia Symposium (Blog Post)
Title: The Central Eurasianist Current of the 2018 Modern Rivers of Eurasia Symposium
Author: Patryk Reid
Abstract: This post reviews the growing focus on water in Central Eurasian Studies, while reporting on the Modern Rivers of Eurasia Symposium organized at the University of Pittsburgh in February 2018. It also situates the "Water in Central Eurasia" project within this new trend in regional studies.
Date: 8/28/2018
Primary URL: http://
Website: The CESS Blog

New Academic Programs Take a Worldly View (Report)
Title: New Academic Programs Take a Worldly View
Author: Katie Fike
Abstract: This PittWire article published by University of Pittsburgh Communications publicizes the "Water in Central Eurasia" project among Pitt faculty and students.
Date: 08/31/2018
Primary URL: http://
Access Model: Open Access

Curricular Innovations at the University of Pittsburgh (Conference/Institute/Seminar)
Title: Curricular Innovations at the University of Pittsburgh
Author: Ruth Mostern
Abstract: As part of a workshop on Curricular Innovations held at the March 2020 Meeting of the National Humanities Alliance, Dr. Mostern shared the Project Team’s experience with introducing interdisciplinary curricular innovations at Pitt, obstacles and solutions to enhancing recruitment, and challenges encountered in cultivating humanities-centered interdisciplinary skills. Grant funds were not used to support this activity.
Date Range: March 8-10, 2020
Location: Washington, D.C.
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Preliminary Program of the 2020 Annual Meeting of the National Humanities Alliance

Teaching Water Sustainability Through Regional and Global Studies (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Teaching Water Sustainability Through Regional and Global Studies
Author: Clara Weibel
Abstract: Poster presentation on the Water in Central Eurasia project by NEH Student Ambassador Clara Weibel.
Date: 10/27/2019
Primary URL:
Conference Name: Annual Conference of the Association for Sustainability in Higher Education

Student Testimonial (Film/TV/Video Broadcast or Recording)
Title: Student Testimonial
Writer: Clara Weibel
Director: Global Hub
Producer: Global Hub
Abstract: Clara Weibel talks about her role as the Undergraduate Student Ambassador for the Water in Central Eurasia initiative headed by the Center for Russian, East European, & Eurasian Studies- REEES and the Asian Studies Center at the University of Pittsburgh, how her coursework with the Global Studies Center at the University of Pittsburgh enhanced her understanding of environmental issues, and why she feels it's important for students to be involved with international/global studies.
Year: 2020
Primary URL:
Format: Web

Why Water, Why Central Eurasia? (Blog Post)
Title: Why Water, Why Central Eurasia?
Author: Clara Weibel
Abstract: In this newsletter post, NEH Undergraduate Ambassador Clara Weibel reports on her more recent work in the position.
Date: 2/1/2020
Primary URL:
Blog Title: REEES Newsletter
Website: REEES Website