
Education Programs: Dialogues on the Experience of War

Period of Performance

5/1/2016 - 8/31/2017

Funding Totals

$99,667.00 (approved)
$94,232.00 (awarded)

The Courage to Come Home: The Clemente Veterans' Initiative

FAIN: AV-248532-16

Clemente Course in the Humanities, Inc. (New York, NY 10065-8014)
Lela Hilton (Project Director: September 2015 to May 2018)

Four six-part dialogues to be conducted at four different sites in four locations—Seattle, Phoenix, Antioch University, and Bard College—focused on the theme of coming home from war.

Clemente will host four, six-part dialogues in communities currently served by project partners. At least two of the series will be offered simultaneously to Clemente Courses specifically targeted to veterans, one in Phoenix for women only, and one in Seattle for the general population. The other two will be offered as independent series, or integrated into other Clemente programs. In all cases, our target audience will be veterans struggling to transition to civilian life, their families, and community support networks: case workers, judges and advocates from Veteran’s Courts. In preparation for the dialogues, faculty and visiting scholars in the humanities – moral philosophy, history of art, literature – as well as experts on serving veterans who are experiencing post-deployment challenges, will meet for 3 days in spring 2016 to engage in close readings and discussions of selected texts, design classroom strategies to engage non-traditional students.