
Federal/State Partnership: Grants for State Humanities Councils

Period of Performance

7/1/2004 - 12/31/2005

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$54,630.00 (approved)
$54,630.00 (awarded)

Iowa Between the World Wars, 1918-1940

FAIN: BC-50184-04

Humanities Iowa (Iowa City, IA 52242)
Christopher R. Rossi (Project Director: March 2004 to September 2006)

A series of activities, including a grant program, that focus on Iowa history between the World Wars, 1918-1940.

Humanities Iowa proposes to use the We the People funding to conduct council conducted programs and make re-grants for projects that focus on Iowa history between the World Wars, 1918-1940. $21,000 will be expended on council conducted programs and $33,630 in re-grants for projects involving Iowa's heritage, history and local heroes of the 1918-1940 era. Non-profit groups will be encouraged to create programs for the general public, particularly to include participation by students in the development of the programs. We will also promote applications for re-grants for teacher seminars.