Becoming American: Louisiana after the Purchase
FAIN: BC-50188-04
Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities (New Orleans, LA 70113-1027)
Michael J. Sartisky (Project Director: March 2004 to February 2014)
Miranda Restovic (Project Director: February 2014 to September 2006)
Activities that explore American history and culture through the lens of Louisiana history including reading and discussion programs, a grant program for local humanities projects, and "Louisiana Cultural Vistas" magazine.
Following the Bicentennial of the Louisiana Purchase (2003), it is only fitting to encourage Louisiana residents to explore both past and present contributions to American history and culture and vice versa, the impact of statehood on Louisiana. Through "Becoming American: Louisiana after the Purchase," the LEH will engage communities in the exploration of American history in a local context through 1) its regrants program by issuing a statewide RFP; 2) its reading and scholar-led discussion program, RELIC; and 3) its statewide magazine, "Louisiana Cultural Vistas."