We The People in South Carolina
FAIN: BC-50204-04
South Carolina Humanities Council, Inc. (Columbia, SC 29204-2486)
Kristin M. Harkey (Project Director: March 2004 to October 2006)
A special grant program to support humanities projects in communities in South Carolina that explore significant themes and events in American history and culture.
In an effort to strengthen and contribute to public knowledge of national history and collective memory, THCSC proposes a statewide RFP to focus on the We The People initiative. Organized by four main themes listed below, THCSC will launch a public outreach campaign, to include grant guidelines, designed to attract projects and programs in the fields of edu., history, media, museum, library, nonprofit and arts-related admin. The goal of the RFP is to explore concrete demonstrations of how history education remains a powerful catalyst for civic/communal dialog.