
Federal/State Partnership: Grants for State Humanities Councils

Period of Performance

9/1/2004 - 3/31/2006

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$41,300.00 (approved)
$41,300.00 (awarded)

We the People

FAIN: BC-50231-04

Wyoming Humanities Council (Laramie, WY 82072-3459)
Marcia Wolter Britton (Project Director: May 2004 to August 2005)
Victoria F. Sherry (Project Director: August 2005 to August 2013)
Shannon D. Smith (Project Director: August 2013 to September 2006)

A teacher institute on the history of democracy from ancient Greece to modern America and "A Wyoming Conversation" that includes statewide discussions and a radio program co-sponsored by Wyoming Public Radio.

The WCH proposes:1)a teacher institute on the topic of comparative democracy,"Democracy in Greece and After:From Athens to America," 2)a partnership project with Wyoming Public Radio regarding a state- wide discussion on the face of change in Wyoming,"A Wyoming Conversation,"and 3)a re-grants program inviting grant applications on cultural diversity and projects to preserve/provide access to documents/ artifacts of local history in Wyoming.Projects are based on 2004 "Community Conversations"conducted by the WCH to solicit council priorities relating to community/statewide needs.