
Federal/State Partnership: Grants for State Humanities Councils

Period of Performance

9/1/2005 - 12/31/2006

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$95,390.00 (approved)
$95,390.00 (awarded)

We the People in Georgia 2005

FAIN: BC-50265-05

Georgia Humanities Council (Atlanta, GA 30303-2934)
Jamil S. Zainaldin (Project Director: May 2005 to December 2007)

Distribution of a poster/history timeline to teachers, strengthening of the National History Day in Georgia program, the 2006 theme of which is "Taking a Stand in History," and a regrant program targeted to adults.

Through “We the People in Georgia, 2005”, the Georgia Humanities Council will distribute a poster/history timeline to teachers that highlights the New Georgia Encyclopedia and the Digital Library of Georgia, two electronic resources. The Council will also strengthen its National History Day in Georgia program (which has the theme “Taking a Stand in History” for 2006) through the development of materials and through outreach at conferences and workshops. Additionally, the Council will support public programs through regrants, in order to reach adult community members.