Prime Time Family Reading and Chautauqua in Schools
FAIN: BC-50268-05
Kentucky Humanities Council, Inc. (Lexington, KY 40508-2613)
Virginia G. Carter (Project Director: May 2005 to July 2013)
Albert Benjamin Chandler (Project Director: July 2013 to April 2009)
To support the Prime Time Family Reading Time program in six libraries for a second year, and, working with the coordinators of the Teaching American History grants, to provide sixty Chautauqua programs to schools in five regions of Kentucky.
Kentucky Humanities Council requests $42,530 for Prime Time Family Reading Time and $26,550 for Kentucky Chautauqua in our schools. KHC is currently conducting 7 Prime Time programs in partnership with the Kentucky Dept. for Libraries and Archives (KDLA), which is conducting 4 programs. Our request would enable KHC to support Prime Time in 6 libraries (KDLA will support 4 more) for a second year, develop our own team of trainers, and establish a track record on which to base future funding requests. Our Chautauqua joins those of other councils as a proven vehicle for teaching American history.