A people at a crossroad: key historical, societal and cultural events and themes
FAIN: BC-50280-05
Puerto Rico Humanities Council (San Juan, PR 00902-3920)
Miguel Rodriguez (Project Director: May 2005 to July 2006)
Luis E. Gonzalez-Vales (Project Director: July 2006 to May 2009)
Development of bilingual texts about key historical, social and cultural themes and events in contemporary Puerto Rico for the online Encyclopedia of Puerto Rico and also to be available through radio broadcast and print.
Develop and disseminate bilingual (English and Spanish) texts about key historical, societal and cultural events and themes of contemporary Puerto Rico that may help understand the political crossroad that Puerto Ricans now confront at the beginning of the XXI Century and after a century-old long close relationship with the United States. Texts will be an integral part of the on-line Encyclopedia of Puerto Rico. The texts will be disseminated to the general public either as radio historical capsules or newspaper articles. A print edition in book form will be made available and distributed.