We the People of Maryland, 2006-2007
FAIN: BC-50323-06
Maryland Humanities Council, Inc. (Baltimore, MD 21201-4565)
Margaret R. Burke (Project Director: May 2006 to November 2007)
Josephine S. Williams (Project Director: November 2007 to July 2008)
Phoebe Stein (Project Director: July 2008 to December 2008)
the Maryland History Day program, the Speakers Bureau program, and athe Grant program. Each of these program areas offers Marylanders the opportunity to personally explore the rich diversity of America's history and culture
The Maryland Humanities Council will use the 2006 We the People funding to support three program areas that have proven effective in engaging broad audiences throughout our state: the Maryland History Day program, the Speakers Bureau program, and the Grant program. Each of these program areas offers Marylanders the opportunity to personally explore the rich diversity of America's history and culture.