
Federal/State Partnership: Grants for State Humanities Councils

Period of Performance

9/1/2006 - 4/30/2008

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$134,510.00 (approved)
$134,510.00 (awarded)

A Democratic Vision: Forming a More Perfect Union

FAIN: BC-50330-06

New Jersey Council for the Humanities (Camden, NJ 08101-3287)
Jane Brailove Rutkoff (Project Director: May 2006 to June 2012)
Sharon Ann Holt (Project Director: June 2012 to September 2008)

A college-level course, "American Freedom: The History of an Ideal," for low-income individuals, a series of three hour seminars on American Heroes for K-12 teachers and a week-long summer residential teachers' seminar which will examine the life & legacy of George Washington in his command of the Continental Army, his leadership at the Constitutional Convention, & his Presidency.

A DEMOCRATIC VISION: FORMING A MORE PERFECT UNION has 3 parts: AMERICAN FREEDOM: THE HISTORY OF AN IDEAL, targets low income individuals in NJ cities, exploring the concept of freedom through history, philosophy, art history & literature; AMERICAN HEROES, a south NJ teachers seminar, looks at the lives & complex decisions of famous & less well-known Americans; GEORGE WASHINGTON: FOUNDING OUR DEMOCRACY will study him as military leader & president to understand his legacy for our nation today.