Exploring American Identity in Idaho
FAIN: BC-50409-08
Idaho Humanities Council (Boise, ID 83702-6053)
Richard K. Ardinger (Project Director: March 2008 to June 2011)
the nearly 100 topics in IHC's Speakers Bureau that explore "We the People" themes, an interdisciplinary teacher seminar focused on environmental literature, the Museum on Main Street exhibition "Between Fences," reading and discussion groups, special presentations, grants, and "Picturing America" programming.
The IHC proposes several programs to explore WTP themes: (1) 50 Speaker’s Bureau presentations examining WTP topics; (2) interdisciplinary summer teacher institutes; (3) council-conducted programs; (4) a reading/discussion series in 15 libraries exploring American identity; (5) programs complementing Smithsonian traveling exhibits; (6) special presentations; (7) regrant projects related to WTP themes; and (8) programs focusing on the “Picturing America” initiative.