IHC Road Scholars, Museums on Main Street and Grants Program
FAIN: BC-50410-08
Illinois Humanities Council (Chicago, IL 60603-4048)
Kristina A. Valaitis (Project Director: March 2008 to February 2014)
Angel Ysaguirre (Project Director: February 2014 to December 2009)
To support two traveling exhibitions, "Between Fences" and "Journey Stories;" to support the Speakers Bureau which emphasizes programs related to the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial; to make grants on topics in American history and culture; and to promote Picturing America and to provide humanities scholars for Picturing America presentations.
The IHC seeks $191,460 for We the People in Illinois to develop statewide programs through Museum on Main Street (MoMS), the Road Scholars Speakers Bureau, and grants. These programs will deal with 19th Century American agricultural life, Westward expansion, Illinois’ state and national political history, and other important topics in American history and culture. This programming will benefit rural and downstate audiences primarily, though not exclusively.