A Sense of Place: Picturing Delaware
FAIN: BC-50431-08
Delaware Humanities Council Incorporated (Wilmington, DE 19801-6606)
Marilyn P. Whittington (Project Director: May 2008 to March 2011)
To support Delaware-based activities related to Picturing America, including a kick-off event in October 2008; a series of discussions about Delaware's past, present and future; a collection of existing images of Delaware for an online archive and a print publication; and special programs in each of the state's three counties.
The Delaware Humanities Forum will use this We the People grant to help Delawareans explore their own backyard. Through a series of small regrants; a major project in each county; bus trips; readings; publications and discussions, we will look at how Delaware has been pictured by past generations, by today's residents, and our aspirations for Delaware's future image.