
Federal/State Partnership: Grants for State Humanities Councils

Period of Performance

7/1/2009 - 12/31/2011

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$81,870.00 (approved)
$81,868.61 (awarded)

Expanding Public Access to History and Culture

FAIN: BC-50473-09

Rhode Island Council for the Humanities (Providence, RI 02903-3308)
Mary-Kim Arnold (Project Director: March 2009 to July 2009)
SueEllen M. Kroll (Project Director: July 2009 to June 2017)

The creation of enhanced grant making for projects that deal with the topics of immigration, cultural heritage, military history as well as the interpretation of historic sites and significant figures in history. Support will also be given toward continuing the development of the Council's website so as to incorporate a digital archive and online exhibition of grantee projects specifically related to American history and culture, and to set up tools to make the projects and the discussions that they inspire more widely available.

The Rhode Island Council for the Humanities (RICH) requests funds to expand public access to - and deepen public understanding of - American history and culture. RICH will accomplish these goals by: 1. Offering up to $35,000 in regrant funding to nonprofit organizations and individuals for public programming that explores history through any of the following: documentary film, reading and discussion programs, public lectures, teachers' institutes, exhibitions, publications, or media programs; and 2. Developing the components of our website that will enhance access and encourage online discussion and dialogue about issues of American history and culture.