Our Stories, Our Future
FAIN: BC-50495-09
Pennsylvania Humanities Council (Philadelphia, PA 19102-4121)
Laurie Zierer (Project Director: May 2009 to December 2011)
Margaret Cameron (Project Director: December 2011 to March 2012)
Virginia Fahey (Project Director: March 2012 to June 2011)
The "Our Stories, Our Future" initiative through the Speaker's Millennium Lecture, humanities grants, book discussion groups, Commonwealth Speakers, and promotional and media activities.
The PHC will continue to build on its success connecting America's past in personally meaningful, socially significant ways to the people of Pennsylvania. Programming again will include events like the Speaker's Millennium Lecture, as well as book discussion groups; small and large grants; speakers; and the statewide broadcast of a new television series. The project will serve at least a quarter million people, reaching people in all 67 counties of the state in our final year.