
Federal/State Partnership: Grants for State Humanities Councils

Period of Performance

9/1/2009 - 12/31/2012

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$99,040.00 (approved)
$99,040.00 (awarded)

Food--for Thought, for Life: The Politics, Aesthetics, and Ethics of food

FAIN: BC-50508-09

Mississippi Humanities Council (Jackson, MS 39211-6453)
Barbara Carpenter (Project Director: May 2009 to November 2013)
Stuart Rockoff (Project Director: November 2013 to May 2016)

A multidisciplinary statewide collaborative project that will explore the history, science, public policies and the social and cultural concerns concerning food consumption and production in Mississippi.

The MHC proposes a multidisciplinary statewide project involving council programs and partner programs related to numerous perspectives on food. Various components of the project will consider everything from scientific and technological problems related to food and its distribution to ethnic and regional considerations related to diet to nutrition and health, from perspectives ranging from agricultural policy to global warming/economy/hunger to food safety to local cuisine, touching on ethical and religious issues, organic and sustainable farming, environmental/ecological concerns to obesity,its causes and consequences. Numerous groups have agreed to partner with MHC in the program. MHC will oversee a statewide conference and will provide funding to partner organizations to carry out related programs. In addition, funds will be used to partially support a Speakers Bureau, a traveling exhibit, and a staff person to oversee WTP programs.