We The People Across Washington State 2010
FAIN: BC-50536-10
Humanities Washington (Seattle, WA 98109-1658)
Ellen E. Terry (Project Director: May 2010 to September 2014)
To support the Museums on Main Street traveling exhibition and complementary programs, the Inquiring Minds Speakers Bureau, and a quick grants program that provides grants of up to $1,000 to small or rural organizations for planning or programs. These three programs provide significant humanities outreach to rural Washington.
We the People funds continue to allow Humanities Washington to meet increasing demand for our programs throughout Washington State. Through our MoMS traveling exhibits, Inquiring Mind presentations, and re-grants we are able to support local organizations and increase their ability to bring humanities-rich content to their communities. In remote and rural areas, these may be the only public humanities programs that take place in a town or county. Each of these projects will help Washington State residents foster a deeper understanding of American culture, civic responsibility, and our collective historical and contemporary democratic principles. We strive to reach ever more diverse audiences and challenge them to think about what it means to be an American in the 21st century.