Kansas Stories
FAIN: BC-50539-10
Kansas Humanities Council (Topeka, KS 66603-3845)
Dan Carey-Whalen (Project Director: May 2010 to August 2010)
Julie L. Mulvihill (Project Director: August 2010 to January 2014)
To support the continuation of the Kansans Tell Their Stories initiative begun in 2004. This current project will include a traveling exhibition based on previous projects, with accompanying programming; a statehood speakers bureau; up to 20 scholarships to individuals working in the field of local history; and grants for projects exploring Kansas history as well as outreach projects.
Kansas Stories will continue to build upon the popular Kansans Tell Their Stories (KTTS) initiative and use the resources to support grassroots sesquicentennial activities as part of the 150th anniversary of Kansas statehood. The Kansas Stories opportunities continue the exploration of what it means to be a Kansan, and invite ideas and discussion about the next 150 years. Kansas Stories supports a statewide tour of the traveling exhibit featuring past KTTS projects with support for local companion exhibits, provides 150 free presentations from the special statehood speakers bureau on topics rooted in Kansas history, creates up to 20 scholarships to support professional training at the 2010 and 2011 annual Kansas Museums Association conference for individuals working in local historical organizations, and provides grants to support additional projects that explore the Kansas Story through public programs, interpretive tours, exhibitions, podcasts, short films, or other projects.