We the People: Food and Foodways in Wyoming
FAIN: BC-50555-10
Wyoming Humanities Council (Laramie, WY 82072-3459)
Jennifer A Ingram (Project Director: May 2010 to September 2014)
To support research and publication of a Wyoming cookbook documenting Wyoming food traditions and history, a new theme in the Reading Wyoming book discussion program and the film discussion series dealing with food and foodways, and a one-day tour to Salt Lake City to explore the impact of immigrant groups on American food traditions. These programs will complement the Wyoming tour of the traveling exhibition, "Key Ingredients: America by Food".
The programs in We the People: Food and Foodways in Wyoming lead up to and take place during the Wyoming tour of Key Ingredients: America by Food, the Museum on Main Street traveling exhibit about American cuisine through regional traditions and international influences. These programs will explore American food traditions and encourage examination of our own regional food traditions.