
Education Programs: Landmarks of American History and Culture for K-12 Educators

Period of Performance

10/1/2019 - 12/31/2022

Funding Totals

$178,547.00 (approved)
$154,235.54 (awarded)

On Hallowed Ground: Gettysburg in History and Memory

FAIN: BH-267064-19

Gettysburg College (Gettysburg, PA 17325-1483)
David Powell (Project Director: February 2019 to June 2023)

Two one-week workshops for 72 school teachers on the Battle of Gettysburg and its legacy.

Gettysburg College intends to engage secondary educators in a workshop focused on the relationship between history and memory through the lens of the Civil War. We seek to offer a revised version of this highly successful 2014 workshop in which participants are immersed in the 'hallowed ground' of Gettysburg and the events that transpired in July 1863, and also expose teachers to the emerging scholarship in the field of memory studies. Participants will engage in historic site visits paired with seminar sessions that will inform the creation of teaching projects that will ultimately land on the program website. Having walked the hallowed ground at Gettysburg, we believe participants will return home with a renewed sense of the significance of what happened here, and with a strengthened understanding of how to teach about Gettysburg.

Associated Products

On Hallowed Ground: Gettysburg in History & Memory (Web Resource)
Title: On Hallowed Ground: Gettysburg in History & Memory
Author: Dave Powell
Abstract: This is the official project website for our NEH Landmarks of American History & Culture project, "On Hallowed Ground: Gettysburg in History & Memory."
Year: 2019
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: On Hallowed Ground: Gettysburg in History & Memory

PCK in Place: A Case of Historic Site Based Professional Development at Gettysburg (Article)
Title: PCK in Place: A Case of Historic Site Based Professional Development at Gettysburg
Author: Dave Powell, Ph.D.
Abstract: The battlefield at Gettysburg is both a site of immense historical importance and one of cultural significance as well. This paper describes an intensive site-based professional development opportunity offered to K-12 teachers as part of the National Endowment for the Humanities' Landmarks of American History & Culture program. The workshop, "On Hallowed Ground: Gettysburg in History & Memory," exposes teachers both to contemporary historical scholarship and scholarship in the field of memory studies, punctuated by site visits in and around Gettysburg. Framing professional development opportunities in such rich and powerful ways, especially at sites of historical significance, can assist teachers in the development of pedagogical content knowledge by engaging them in intense study of subject matter content in conversation with scholars and other teachers.
Year: 2023
Primary URL: http://
Primary URL Description: Web location of the journal Social Studies Research & Practice, where the article is currently under review.
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Social Studies Research & Practice
Publisher: Unpublished (under review)

Teaching Projects for Elementary Classrooms (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Teaching Projects for Elementary Classrooms
Author: Alison Carter
Author: Mary Ann Cranwell
Author: Erin Gagnon
Author: Eric Hutto
Author: Scott Johnson
Author: Jennifer Mercer
Author: Lillian Ramos
Author: Catherine Riley
Abstract: Teaching projects for elementary classrooms created by Summer Scholars participating in the Landmarks of American History & Culture workshop "On Hallowed Ground: Gettysburg in History & Memory" in the summer of 2022.
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Web page hosting teaching projects for elementary classrooms created by Summer Scholars participating in the Landmarks of American History & Culture workshop "On Hallowed Ground: Gettysburg in History & Memory" in the summer of 2022.
Audience: K - 12

Teaching Projects for High School Classrooms (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Teaching Projects for High School Classrooms
Author: Josh Biringer
Author: Matthew Bower
Author: Monica Coccia
Author: Carleena Day
Author: James Duran
Author: Tom Emmel
Author: Ted Frisbie
Author: Merry Gordon
Author: Shane Gower
Author: Jared Huhta
Author: Sarah Jones
Author: Carol Krauss
Author: Michele Mar
Author: Lindsay Martin
Author: Colleen Medlock
Author: Megan O'Brien
Author: Frank O'Grady
Author: Stuart Palczak
Author: Christopher Powers
Author: Brian Rainville
Author: Angela Reklau
Author: Alison Rund
Author: John Kelly Shelburne
Author: Elizabeth Sorelle
Author: Ryan Ussery
Author: Kevin Wagner
Author: Sarah Willis
Abstract: Teaching projects for high school classrooms created by Summer Scholars participating in the Landmarks of American History & Culture workshop "On Hallowed Ground: Gettysburg in History & Memory" in the summer of 2022.
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Web site hosting teaching projects for high school classrooms created by Summer Scholars participating in the Landmarks of American History & Culture workshop "On Hallowed Ground: Gettysburg in History & Memory" in the summer of 2022.
Audience: K - 12

Teaching Projects for Middle School Classrooms (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Teaching Projects for Middle School Classrooms
Author: Britt Baiamonte
Author: Jessica Dillistin
Author: John Hall
Author: John Hannon
Author: Heather Hopkins
Author: Tamra Huffman
Author: Nathan Kackmeister
Author: Lisa Prentiss
Author: Brian Souliere
Abstract: Teaching projects for middle school classrooms created by Summer Scholars participating in the Landmarks of American History & Culture workshop "On Hallowed Ground: Gettysburg in History & Memory" in the summer of 2022.
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Web site hosting teaching projects for high school classrooms created by Summer Scholars participating in the Landmarks of American History & Culture workshop "On Hallowed Ground: Gettysburg in History & Memory" in the summer of 2022.
Audience: K - 12

The Emanuel Harman Farm: Gettysburg's Unknown Battlefield (Article)
Title: The Emanuel Harman Farm: Gettysburg's Unknown Battlefield
Author: Jeff Denman
Abstract: Article discussing the history of the Emanuel Harman farm which was recently acquired by the National Park Service and incorporated into the boundaries of Gettysburg National Military Park. The author, Jeff Denman, participated in the Landmarks of American History & Culture workshop "On Hallowed Ground: Gettysburg in History & Memory" in the summer of 2014.
Year: 2016
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Web location of issue 54 of Gettysburg Magazine, edited by James S. Pula.
Secondary URL:
Secondary URL Description: A PDF version of Denman's article is available on our project website.
Access Model: The issue can be printed on demand.
Format: Magazine
Periodical Title: Gettysburg Magazine
Publisher: University of Nebraska Press

BSMS Teacher Walks the Hallowed Ground at Gettysburg to Gain an Entirely Different Appreciation of Pickett’s Charge (Article)
Title: BSMS Teacher Walks the Hallowed Ground at Gettysburg to Gain an Entirely Different Appreciation of Pickett’s Charge
Author: Unknown
Abstract: Article spotlighting professional development opportunity at Gettysburg for teacher John Hannon.
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Recent news published to the project website for "On Hallowed Ground: Gettysburg in History & Memory."
Access Model: Open
Format: Other
Publisher: Berrien Springs (Mich.) Middle School