Fabric of the Past: Weaving the Twentieth Century at the Beaumont Mill and Village in South Carolina
FAIN: BH-272365-20
University of South Carolina (Columbia, SC 29208-0001)
Timothy Paul Grady (Project Director: February 2020 to present)
Rebecca Mueller (Co Project Director: August 2020 to present)
Two one-week workshops for 72 school teachers exploring the textile industry of upstate South Carolina as a case study for 19th- and 20th-century cultural, economic, and technological change.
Through its examination of 20th Century American history, Fabric of the Past touches on multiple topics and themes highlighted in middle and high school classrooms nationwide and stressed in national teaching guidelines and standards. USC Upstate will offer two one-week sessions of the workshop in July 2021, serving up to 36 teachers each time. The workshop will explore the following key themes from the National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies: culture (mill and Southern cultures); time, continuity, and change (history of the Beaumont Mill); production, consumption, and distribution (economic changes across time); and science and technology (industrial and technological changes in the mills). Workshop content is designed to be integrated at multiple points in the U.S. History curriculum, including Reconstruction, the Industrial Age, and World War II.
Associated Products
Beaumont E Newspaper Collection (Database/Archive/Digital Edition)Title: Beaumont E Newspaper Collection
Author: NA
Abstract: NA
Year: 2021
Primary URL:
https://scmemory.org/collection/beaumont-e-newspaper-collection/Primary URL Description: digital collection of Beaumont E Newspapers housed on the South Carolina Digital Library webpage
Access Model: open access
Beaumont Mill as a Social Studies Project (Film/TV/Video Broadcast or Recording)Title: Beaumont Mill as a Social Studies Project
Writer: William Richardson (ETV Upstate)
Director: William Richardson (ETV Upstate)
Producer: William Richardson (ETV Upstate)
Abstract: NA
Year: 2020
Primary URL:
https://www.scetv.org/stories/2020/beaumont-mill-social-studies-projectPrimary URL Description: Palmetto Scene episode posted on ETV website in November 2020 and aired on ETV stations across South Carolina in January 2021.
Access Model: open access
Format: Web
Author: Wren Bareiss
Author: Rebecca Mueller
Author: Ann Merrymn
Abstract: Students can eagerly engage with history, especially when broad
historical themes are grounded in communities where students live, the streets they travel, and the buildings they pass by or
enter every day; however, these instructional approaches require specialized training to include skills development in finding and working with primary archival documentation. A major resource for such training is provided through the National
Endowment for the Humanities Landmarks of American History and culture program. In this article, we describe a pilot program conducted in Spartanburg, South Carolina designed to accomplish that goal with respect to the Southern textile mill industry.
Year: 2021
Primary URL:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pe8MrcjkQt0HCEFt_D6pWR0naXC4tNSE/viewPrimary URL Description: digital copy of the article, which was part of the Fall 2021 edition
Access Model: open access
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina
Publisher: South Carolina Association of Teacher Educators
Beaumont E: Weaving a Community at Beaumont Mill (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Beaumont E: Weaving a Community at Beaumont Mill
Author: Ann Merryman
Author: Rebecca Mueller
Abstract: This session introduces a new digital collection of Beaumont E Newspapers. Originally published for the Beaumont Mill community, participants will discuss how it supports inquiry into several historical theme.
Date: 10/22/2021
Conference Name: South Carolina Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference
Building Community Through Inquiry (Blog Post)Title: Building Community Through Inquiry
Author: Rebecca Mueller
Abstract: discusses why the IDM is a useful framework to structure community history
Date: 02/14/2022
Primary URL:
http://c3teachers.org/building-community-through-inquiry/Blog Title: Building Community Through Inquiry
Website: c3teachers.org
WYFF Chronicle: Remaking the Mills (Film/TV/Video Broadcast or Recording)Title: WYFF Chronicle: Remaking the Mills
Writer: WYFF
Director: WYFF
Producer: WYFF
Abstract: Explores the past, present, and future of the textile industry in Upstate South Carolina. Features Dr. Paul Grady (co-director).
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
http://www.wyff4.com/article/exploring-the-history-of-textiles-in-south-carolina/41624282#Access Model: open access
Format: Web
Beaumont Review (Film/TV/Video Broadcast or Recording)Title: Beaumont Review
Writer: William Richardson (ETV)
Director: William Richardson (ETV)
Producer: William Richardson (ETV)
Abstract: Draws from participant interviews and workshop footage to share the success of Fabric of the Past.
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
http://www.dropbox.com/s/0ar2l2ssoh17ea3/Master%20BEAUMONT%20REVIEW%2001.mov?dl=0Access Model: not for public distribution
Format: Digital File
Nurse Faye v. Beaumont Mill (Film/TV/Video Broadcast or Recording)Title: Nurse Faye v. Beaumont Mill
Writer: Anita Anderson Cooper
Director: Anita Anderson Cooper
Producer: Anita Anderson Cooper
Abstract: original song inspired by participant's conversation with family member of Beaumont Mill employee/resident
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
https://youtu.be/1tp2INd_0lMAccess Model: open access
Format: Web
In the Burg (Blog Post)Title: In the Burg
Author: One Spartanburg
Abstract: mentions the workshop and our partnership with local organizations, specifically the Spartanburg County Historical Association
Date: 08/05/2022
Primary URL:
https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Raising-the-Steaks.html?soid=1133973472474&aid=GcEs93JfenoBlog Title: In the Burg: Fabric of the Past
Website: In the Burg
Beaumont Mill: A Story of Textiles in the South (Web Resource)Title: Beaumont Mill: A Story of Textiles in the South
Author: Rebecca Mueller
Author: Ann Merryman
Author: Andy Myers
Author: David Carlton
Author: Paul Grady
Abstract: This guide includes resources for investigating the history and legacy of the textile industry with a focus on Beaumont Mill. The guide is organized around important steps of conducting community history and highlights sources specific to Beaumont Mill as well as general resources that can support the investigation of any community.
Year: 2023
Primary URL:
http://https://edsitement.neh.gov/teachers-guides/beaumont-mill-story-textiles-southFabric of the Past: An Oral History Collection Digital Exhibit (Database/Archive/Digital Edition)Title: Fabric of the Past: An Oral History Collection Digital Exhibit
Author: Ann Merryman
Abstract: The 14 oral histories presented in this collection were recorded during the summer of 2019 and the fall of 2021 on the campus of the University of South Carolina Upstate, with the partnership and technical support of ETV Upstate and Mr. William Richardson.
Year: 2023
Primary URL:
https://uscupstate.libguides.com/fabric-past-oral-historyAccess Model: open access
Fabric of the Past Participant IDMs (Web Resource)Title: Fabric of the Past Participant IDMs
Author: workshop participants
Abstract: IDMs created by workshop participant (blueprints and narratives) are organized by grade-band.
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
http://https://publications.uscupstate.edu/neh/post-workshop-resources/completed-participant-idms/C3teachers - South Carolina State Hub - Fabric of the Past IDMs (Web Resource)Title: C3teachers - South Carolina State Hub - Fabric of the Past IDMs
Author: select workshop participants
Abstract: The following inquiries were developed by participants in Fabric of the Past: Weaving the Twentieth Century at Beaumont Mill and Village in South Carolina, a Landmarks in American History and Culture Workshop hosted by the University of South Carolina Upstate and funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Inspired by the history and legacy of South Carolina‘s textile industry, these inquiries apply the principles and practices of community history to various local contexts
Year: 2023
Primary URL: