
Education Programs: Landmarks of American History and Culture for K-12 Educators

Period of Performance

10/1/2022 - 9/30/2024

Funding Totals

$189,952.00 (approved)
$186,921.00 (awarded)

The Quest for Freedom, 1865-1954

FAIN: BH-288048-22

Thomas County Museum of History (Thomasville, GA 31792-4452)
G. Kurt Piehler (Project Director: February 2022 to August 2022)
G. Kurt Piehler (Project Director: August 2022 to present)
Gregory Lamont Mixon (Co Project Director: August 2022 to present)

Two one-week workshops for 72 K-12 educators on the significance of Thomasville, Georgia, to the long civil rights movement in U.S. history.

Two one-week teacher workshops focusing on the African American community's quest for freedom after the Civil War using Thomasville and surrounding region as a case-study.

Media Coverage

Evening news spot (Media Coverage)
Publication: WTXL
Date: 9/14/2022
Abstract: News coverage on local ABC affiliate

Quest for Freedom Landmarks Workshop (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Payton Fletcher
Publication: Thomasville Times Enterprise
Date: 7/13/2023
Abstract: Article about community evening lecture held as part of the NEH workshop.

Tall Timbers Newsletter (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Anne McCudden
Publication: Tall Timbers enews
Date: 8/16/2023
Abstract: Article covering our visits to the Tall Timbers Research Station for both weeks of the grant.

Associated Products

Digital Reader (Web Resource)
Title: Digital Reader
Author: Piehler, Kurt
Author: McCudden, Anne
Author: Mixon, Gregory
Abstract: A compilation of digital resources pertaining to Reconstruction through Civil Rights in the South (specifically Southern Georgia) was compiled.
Year: 2023
Primary URL:

Le'Trice Donaldson Flipper Lecture (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Le'Trice Donaldson Flipper Lecture
Abstract: Public lecture and powerpoint on the life of Henry O. Flipper
Author: Donaldson, Le'Trice
Date: 07/14/2023
Location: The Thomasville Center for the Arts

Tall Timbers Newsletter Article (Report)
Title: Tall Timbers Newsletter Article
Author: Anne McCudden
Abstract: Newsletter article from Tall Timbers covering teacher workshop visits.
Date: 08/08/2023
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Link to newsletter