Traveller's Rest, Occupied Nashville, and the Civil War and Emancipation in the Upper South
FAIN: BH-50267-08
Middle Tennessee State University (Murfreesboro, TN 37132-0001)
Robert Hunt (Project Director: March 2008 to June 2010)
The workshops created by this grant will allow participants to explore the complex history of the slave system in the upper South, along with the relationship between Northern invasion and emancipation during the Civil War. Participants will be able to learn through visitation of historic sites. These include Traveller's Rest Plantation (the institutional base for the workshop); Fort Negley historic site and museum--the remains of a fort built by the Union military, and the site of a large camp of contraband labor; Stones River National Battlefield (Murfreesboro), home not only to battle site, but to the National Cemetery and the remains of a black community; a Tullahoma campaign landscape tour; and Chickamauga National Battlefield. In addition to these sites, nationally renowned historians Chandra Manning and Loren Schweninger will act as presenters, along with several local faculty and historians connected to area colleges, universities, and historic sites.