
Education Programs: Landmarks of American History and Culture for K-12 Educators

Period of Performance

10/1/2009 - 12/31/2010

Funding Totals

$159,985.00 (approved)
$158,785.00 (awarded)

The Most Southern Place on Earth: Music, Culture, and History in the Mississippi Delta

FAIN: BH-50303-09

Delta State University (Cleveland, MS 38733-0001)
Luther Brown (Project Director: March 2009 to June 2011)

Two one-week Landmarks workshops for eighty school teachers on the Mississippi Delta region, its rich history, its diverse peoples, and its impact on the American imagination.

We propose two six-day workshops that will introduce participants to major heritage themes in the Mississippi Delta, a place with a history that is simultaneously unique and quintessentially American. Participants will learn how the Place of the Delta has affected its culture, specifically in regard to its settlement and ethnic composition, its music and art, its civil rights struggles, its foodways, its literature, and its contributions to American popular culture. The workshop will be highly experiential, giving participants the opportunity to learn how to use Place to both learn about culture and facilitate learning by their own students.