Wilson's Creek: Understanding the Civil War's Second Major Battle
FAIN: BH-50312-09
Drury University (Springfield, MO 65802-3712)
Randall J. Fuller (Project Director: March 2009 to March 2011)
Two one-week workshops for eighty school teachers on the 1861 battle of Wilson's Creek, Missouri, and its place in the history and culture of the Civil War era.
Drury University and Wilson's Creek National Battlefield propose to offer two summer sessions of a workshop in the NEH Landmarks of American History program for high school and middle school teachers. The workshops will take place on the site where the fighting occurred. National Park Service historians and librarians will introduce participants to a wealth of largely unknown primary material housed in the NPS library and museum. Also featured will be lectures by some of the country's most recognized and innovative Civil War scholars. The workshops, entitled "Wilson's Creek: Understanding the Civil War's Second Major Battle," will employ a significant, if overlooked, battle site to learn about this formative chapter in American history and to examine the Civil War from fresh multidisciplinary perspectives. The workshops will benefit teachers of history, art history, American literature, and the social sciences.