The Ancient Ohio Trail
FAIN: BP-50135-09
University of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, OH 45220-2872)
John E. Hancock (Project Director: August 2008 to October 2010)
Planning for a website and other digital products that would permit visitors to download to portable digital devices customized, in-depth tour information regarding ancient Native American earthwork sites in the Ohio Valley.
CERHAS will plan and prototype an integrated suite of interpretive materials that will guide tourists and the general public among the Ohio Valley regions ancient earthwork sites and other related points of interest. Our materials will improve and synthesize site interpretations and media resources already created by CERHAS and its key partners, plus expand content and design into new areas and new media. We will create new, integrated print, web, and downloadable audio and visual material for multiple portable media devices able to deliver deep, layered, diverse, and memorable interpretive perspectives, keyed to the direct experiences of tourists through all phases of their travel. We envision an integrated, portable, custom, virtual, regional site museum experience for travelers, allowing them to visualize the regions sites in advance familiarizing themselves with the many earthworks, routes, and towns as thoroughly as they wish.